Class DataCentersServiceImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • DataCentersServiceImpl

        public DataCentersServiceImpl​(HttpConnection connection,
                                      String path)
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public DataCentersService.AddRequest add()
        Description copied from interface: DataCentersService
        Creates a new data center. Creation of a new data center requires the `name` and `local` elements. For example, to create a data center named `mydc` that uses shared storage (NFS, iSCSI or fibre channel) send a request like this: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- mydc false ----
        Specified by:
        add in interface DataCentersService
      • list

        public DataCentersService.ListRequest list()
        Description copied from interface: DataCentersService
        Lists the data centers. The following request retrieves a representation of the data centers: [source] ---- GET /ovirt-engine/api/datacenters ---- The above request performed with `curl`: [source,bash] ---- curl \ --request GET \ --cacert /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem \ --header "Version: 4" \ --header "Accept: application/xml" \ --user "admin@internal:mypassword" \ ---- This is what an example response could look like: [source,xml] ---- Default The default Data Center false disabled up 4 0 4 0 ---- Note the `id` code of your `Default` data center. This code identifies this data center in relation to other resources of your virtual environment. The data center also contains a link to the storage domains collection. The data center uses this collection to attach storage domains from the storage domains main collection. The order of the returned list of data centers is guaranteed only if the `sortby` clause is included in the `search` parameter.
        Specified by:
        list in interface DataCentersService