Class ExternalVmImportsServiceImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExternalVmImportsServiceImpl

        public ExternalVmImportsServiceImpl​(HttpConnection connection,
                                            String path)
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public ExternalVmImportsService.AddRequest add()
        Description copied from interface: ExternalVmImportsService
        This operation is used to import a virtual machine from external hypervisor, such as KVM, XEN or VMware. For example import of a virtual machine from VMware can be facilitated using the following request: [source] ---- POST /externalvmimports ---- With request body of type <>, for example: [source,xml] ---- my_vm vm_name_as_is_in_vmware true vmware_user 123456 VMWARE vpx://wmware_user@vcenter-host/DataCenter/Cluster/esxi-host?no_verify=1 ----
        Specified by:
        add in interface ExternalVmImportsService