Class GroupsServiceImpl

    • Method Detail

      • add

        public GroupsService.AddRequest add()
        Description copied from interface: GroupsService
        Add group from a directory service. Please note that domain name is name of the authorization provider. For example, to add the `Developers` group from the `internal-authz` authorization provider send a request like this: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/groups ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- Developers internal-authz ----
        Specified by:
        add in interface GroupsService
      • list

        public GroupsService.ListRequest list()
        Description copied from interface: GroupsService
        List all the groups in the system. Usage: .... GET /ovirt-engine/api/groups .... Will return the list of groups: [source,xml] ---- mygroup 476652557A382F67696B6D2B32762B37796E46476D513D3D DC=example,DC=com myextension-authz ... ---- The order of the returned list of groups isn't guaranteed.
        Specified by:
        list in interface GroupsService
      • service

        public Service service​(String path)
        Description copied from interface: GroupsService
        Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.
        Specified by:
        service in interface GroupsService