Class PermitsServiceImpl

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • add

        public PermitsService.AddRequest add()
        Description copied from interface: PermitsService
        Adds a permit to the role. The permit name can be retrieved from the <> service. For example to assign a permit `create_vm` to the role with id `123` send a request like this: .... POST /ovirt-engine/api/roles/123/permits .... With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- create_vm ----
        Specified by:
        add in interface PermitsService
      • list

        public PermitsService.ListRequest list()
        Description copied from interface: PermitsService
        List the permits of the role. For example to list the permits of the role with the id `123` send a request like this: .... GET /ovirt-engine/api/roles/123/permits .... [source,xml] ---- change_vm_cd false connect_to_vm false ---- The order of the returned list of permits isn't guaranteed.
        Specified by:
        list in interface PermitsService