Class VmGraphicsConsoleServiceImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • VmGraphicsConsoleServiceImpl

        public VmGraphicsConsoleServiceImpl​(HttpConnection connection,
                                            String path)
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public VmGraphicsConsoleService.GetRequest get()
        Description copied from interface: VmGraphicsConsoleService
        Retrieves the graphics console configuration of the virtual machine. IMPORTANT: By default, when the `current` parameter is not specified, the data returned corresponds to the next execution of the virtual machine. In the current implementation of the system this means that the `address` and `port` attributes will not be populated because the system does not know what address and port will be used for the next execution. Since in most cases those attributes are needed, it is strongly advised to aways explicitly include the `current` parameter with the value `true`.
        Specified by:
        get in interface VmGraphicsConsoleService
      • remoteViewerConnectionFile

        public VmGraphicsConsoleService.RemoteViewerConnectionFileRequest remoteViewerConnectionFile()
        Description copied from interface: VmGraphicsConsoleService
        Generates the file which is compatible with `remote-viewer` client. Use the following request to generate remote viewer connection file of the graphics console. Note that this action generates the file only if virtual machine is running. [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/graphicsconsoles/456/remoteviewerconnectionfile ---- The `remoteviewerconnectionfile` action does not take any action specific parameters, so the request body should contain an empty `action`: [source,xml] ---- ---- The response contains the file, which can be used with `remote-viewer` client. [source,xml] ---- [virt-viewer] type=spice host= port=-1 password=123456789 delete-this-file=1 fullscreen=0 toggle-fullscreen=shift+f11 release-cursor=shift+f12 secure-attention=ctrl+alt+end tls-port=5900 enable-smartcard=0 enable-usb-autoshare=0 usb-filter=null tls-ciphers=DEFAULT host-subject=O=local, ca=... ---- E.g., to fetch the content of remote viewer connection file and save it into temporary file, user can use oVirt Python SDK as follows: [source,python] ---- # Find the virtual machine: vm = vms_service.list(search='name=myvm')[0] # Locate the service that manages the virtual machine, as that is where # the locators are defined: vm_service = vms_service.vm_service( # Find the graphic console of the virtual machine: graphics_consoles_service = vm_service.graphics_consoles_service() graphics_console = graphics_consoles_service.list()[0] # Generate the remote viewer connection file: console_service = graphics_consoles_service.console_service( remote_viewer_connection_file = console_service.remote_viewer_connection_file() # Write the content to file "/tmp/remote_viewer_connection_file.vv" path = "/tmp/remote_viewer_connection_file.vv" with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(remote_viewer_connection_file) ---- When you create the remote viewer connection file, then you can connect to virtual machine graphic console, as follows: [source,bash] ---- #!/bin/sh -ex remote-viewer --ovirt-ca-file=/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem /tmp/remote_viewer_connection_file.vv ----
        Specified by:
        remoteViewerConnectionFile in interface VmGraphicsConsoleService
      • ticket

        public VmGraphicsConsoleService.TicketRequest ticket()
        Description copied from interface: VmGraphicsConsoleService
        Generates a time-sensitive authentication token for accessing this virtual machine's console. [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/123/graphicsconsoles/456/ticket ---- The client-provided action optionally includes a desired ticket value and/or an expiry time in seconds. In any case, the response specifies the actual ticket value and expiry used. [source,xml] ---- abcd12345 120 ----
        Specified by:
        ticket in interface VmGraphicsConsoleService