Interface AffinityGroupService

    • Method Detail

      • hostLabelsService

        AffinityGroupHostLabelsService hostLabelsService()
        Returns a reference to the service that manages the list of all host labels attached to this affinity group.
      • hostsService

        AffinityGroupHostsService hostsService()
        Returns a reference to the service that manages the list of all hosts attached to this affinity group.
      • vmLabelsService

        AffinityGroupVmLabelsService vmLabelsService()
        Returns a reference to the service that manages the list of all virtual machine labels attached to this affinity group.
      • vmsService

        AffinityGroupVmsService vmsService()
        Returns a reference to the service that manages the list of all virtual machines attached to this affinity group.
      • service

        Service service​(String path)
        Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.