Interface FilesService.ListResponse

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface FilesService.ListResponse
    extends Response
    Returns the list of ISO images and virtual floppy disks available in the storage domain. The order of the returned list is not guaranteed. If the `refresh` parameter is `false`, the returned list may not reflect recent changes to the storage domain; for example, it may not contain a new ISO file that was recently added. This is because the server caches the list of files to improve performance. To get the very latest results, set the `refresh` parameter to `true`. The default value of the `refresh` parameter is `true`, but it can be changed using the configuration value `ForceRefreshDomainFilesByDefault`: [source] ---- # engine-config -s ForceRefreshDomainFilesByDefault=false ---- IMPORTANT: Setting the value of the `refresh` parameter to `true` has an impact on the performance of the server. Use it only if necessary.