Interface GlusterBricksService

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    public interface GlusterBricksService
    extends Service
    This service manages the gluster bricks in a gluster volume
    • Method Detail

      • activate

        GlusterBricksService.ActivateRequest activate()
        Activate the bricks post data migration of remove brick operation. Used to activate brick(s) once the data migration from bricks is complete but user no longer wishes to remove bricks. The bricks that were previously marked for removal will now be used as normal bricks. For example, to retain the bricks that on glustervolume `123` from which data was migrated, send a request like this: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/activate ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- host1:/rhgs/brick1 ----
      • add

        GlusterBricksService.AddRequest add()
        Adds a list of bricks to gluster volume. Used to expand a gluster volume by adding bricks. For replicated volume types, the parameter `replica_count` needs to be passed. In case the replica count is being increased, then the number of bricks needs to be equivalent to the number of replica sets. For example, to add bricks to gluster volume `123`, send a request like this: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- 111 /export/data/brick3 ----
      • list

        GlusterBricksService.ListRequest list()
        Lists the bricks of a gluster volume. For example, to list bricks of gluster volume `123`, send a request like this: [source] ---- GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks ---- Provides an output as below: [source,xml] ---- host1:/rhgs/data/brick1 /rhgs/data/brick1 111 up host2:/rhgs/data/brick1 /rhgs/data/brick1 222 up ---- The order of the returned list is based on the brick order provided at gluster volume creation.
      • migrate

        GlusterBricksService.MigrateRequest migrate()
        Start migration of data prior to removing bricks. Removing bricks is a two-step process, where the data on bricks to be removed, is first migrated to remaining bricks. Once migration is completed the removal of bricks is confirmed via the API <>. If at any point, the action needs to be cancelled <> has to be called. For instance, to delete a brick from a gluster volume with id `123`, send a request: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/migrate ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- host1:/rhgs/brick1 ---- The migration process can be tracked from the job id returned from the API using <> and steps in job using <>
      • remove

        GlusterBricksService.RemoveRequest remove()
        Removes bricks from gluster volume. The recommended way to remove bricks without data loss is to first migrate the data using <> and then removing them. If migrate was not called on bricks prior to remove, the bricks are removed without data migration which may lead to data loss. For example, to delete the bricks from gluster volume `123`, send a request like this: [source] ---- DELETE /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- host:brick_directory ----
      • stopMigrate

        GlusterBricksService.StopMigrateRequest stopMigrate()
        Stops migration of data from bricks for a remove brick operation. To cancel data migration that was started as part of the 2-step remove brick process in case the user wishes to continue using the bricks. The bricks that were marked for removal will function as normal bricks post this operation. For example, to stop migration of data from the bricks of gluster volume `123`, send a request like this: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/clusters/567/glustervolumes/123/glusterbricks/stopmigrate ---- With a request body like this: [source,xml] ---- host:brick_directory ----
      • brickService

        GlusterBrickService brickService​(String id)
        Returns a reference to the service managing a single gluster brick.
      • service

        Service service​(String path)
        Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.