Interface HostNicService

    • Method Detail

      • updateVirtualFunctionsConfiguration

        HostNicService.UpdateVirtualFunctionsConfigurationRequest updateVirtualFunctionsConfiguration()
        The action updates virtual function configuration in case the current resource represents an SR-IOV enabled NIC. The input should be consisted of at least one of the following properties: - `allNetworksAllowed` - `numberOfVirtualFunctions` Please see the `HostNicVirtualFunctionsConfiguration` type for the meaning of the properties.
      • linkLayerDiscoveryProtocolElementsService

        LinkLayerDiscoveryProtocolService linkLayerDiscoveryProtocolElementsService()
        A reference to information elements received by LLDP on the NIC.
      • networkAttachmentsService

        NetworkAttachmentsService networkAttachmentsService()
        Reference to the service that manages the network attachments assigned to this network interface.
      • networkLabelsService

        NetworkLabelsService networkLabelsService()
        Reference to the service that manages the network labels assigned to this network interface.
      • virtualFunctionAllowedLabelsService

        NetworkLabelsService virtualFunctionAllowedLabelsService()
        Retrieves sub-collection resource of network labels that are allowed on an the virtual functions in case that the current resource represents an SR-IOV physical function NIC.
      • virtualFunctionAllowedNetworksService

        VirtualFunctionAllowedNetworksService virtualFunctionAllowedNetworksService()
        Retrieves sub-collection resource of networks that are allowed on an the virtual functions in case that the current resource represents an SR-IOV physical function NIC.