Interface StorageDomainTemplateService

    • Method Detail

      • import_

        StorageDomainTemplateService.ImportRequest import_()
        Action to import a template from an export storage domain. For example, to import the template `456` from the storage domain `123` send the following request: [source] ---- POST /ovirt-engine/api/storagedomains/123/templates/456/import ---- With the following request body: [source, xml] ---- myexport mycluster ---- If you register an entity without specifying the cluster ID or name, the cluster name from the entity's OVF will be used (unless the register request also includes the cluster mapping).
      • register

        StorageDomainTemplateService.RegisterRequest register()
        Register the Template means importing the Template from the data domain by inserting the configuration of the Template and disks into the database without the copy process.
      • service

        Service service​(String path)
        Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.