Interface VmGraphicsConsolesService

    • Method Detail

      • list

        VmGraphicsConsolesService.ListRequest list()
        Lists all the configured graphics consoles of the virtual machine. IMPORTANT: By default, when the `current` parameter is not specified, the data returned corresponds to the next execution of the virtual machine. In the current implementation of the system this means that the `address` and `port` attributes will not be populated because the system does not know what address and port will be used for the next execution. Since in most cases those attributes are needed, it is strongly advised to aways explicitly include the `current` parameter with the value `true`. The order of the returned list of graphics consoles is not guaranteed.
      • consoleService

        VmGraphicsConsoleService consoleService​(String id)
        Returns a reference to the service that manages a specific virtual machine graphics console.
      • service

        Service service​(String path)
        Service locator method, returns individual service on which the URI is dispatched.