Class IndeterminateEvaluationException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class IndeterminateEvaluationException
    extends Exception
    Exception wrapper for XACML Indeterminate/error caused by evaluation

    TODO: although we consider Exceptions as a good solution (from a Java standpoint) to propagate error information with a full traceable stacktrace, from a functional/logical point of view, we could improve performance by using return codes instead, whenever possible, especially where we don't lose any useful error info by doing so: cf.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndeterminateEvaluationException

        public IndeterminateEvaluationException​(String message,
                                                String statusCode)
        Creates exception with message and XACML StatusCode (e.g. XacmlStatusCode.PROCESSING_ERROR)
        message - exception message
        statusCode - XACML StatusCode value, must be a valid xs:anyURI (used as XACML StatusCode Value)
      • IndeterminateEvaluationException

        public IndeterminateEvaluationException​(String message,
                                                String statusCode,
                                                Throwable cause)
        Instantiates with error message and XACML StatusCode (e.g. XacmlStatusCode.PROCESSING_ERROR), and internal cause for error
        message - exception message
        statusCode - XACML StatusCode value, must be a Valid xs:anyURI (used as XACML StatusCode Value)
        cause - internal cause of error
    • Method Detail

      • getStatusCode

        public String getStatusCode()
        Get XACML status code for this "Indeterminate"
        StatusCode value
      • getTopLevelStatus

        public getTopLevelStatus()
        Get status corresponding to the top-level exception (last occurred) in the stacktrace