Class DnsNameWithPortRangeValue

    • Constructor Detail

      • DnsNameWithPortRangeValue

        public DnsNameWithPortRangeValue​(String val)
                                  throws IllegalArgumentException
        Returns a new DNSNameAttributeValue that represents the name indicated by the String provided.
        val - a string representing the name
        IllegalArgumentException - if format of val does not comply with the dnsName datatype definition
    • Method Detail

      • printXML

        public String printXML()
        Converts the internal value (accessible via SimpleValue.getUnderlyingValue() to a valid lexical representation for XML marshalling. Equivalent to the 'printMethod' in JAXB 'javaType' binding customizations. Implementations of this typically call DatatypeConverter. This method is called by SimpleValue.getContent() and its result cached by the same method for later use. Therefore, no need to cache the result in the implementation.
        Specified by:
        printXML in class SimpleValue<String>
        XML-valid lexical representation.