Class AnyUriValue

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AttributeValue, PrimitiveValue, Value

    public final class AnyUriValue
    extends StringParseableValue<String>
    Represent the URI value that this class represents

    WARNING: cannot be used here for this XACML datatype, because not equivalent to XML schema anyURI type. Spaces are allowed in XSD anyURI [1], not in

    [1] That's why we use String instead.

    See also:

    From the JAXB spec: "xs:anyURI is not bound to by default since not all possible values of xs:anyURI can be passed to the constructor. Using a global JAXB customization described in Section 7.9".

    Last but not least, we now refer to the definition of anyURI datatype given in XSD 1.1, which has the same value space as the string datatype. More info in the XSD 1.1 data-types document and SAXON documentation: Also confirmed on the mailing list:[email protected]/. Although XACML 3.0 still refers to XSD 1.0 and its stricter definition of anyURI, we prefer to anticipate and use the definition from XSD 1.1 for XACML AttributeValues of datatype anyURI. However, this does not affect XACML schema validation of Policy/PolicySet/Request documents, where the XSD 1.0 definition of anyURI still applies.

    With the new anyURI definition of XSD 1.1, we also avoid using StandardURIChecker which maintains a thread-local cache of validated URIs (cache size is 50 and eviction policy is LRU) that may be spotted as a possible memory leak by servlet containers such as Tomcat, as confirmed on the mailing list: ,[email protected]/ .

    $Id: $
    • Constructor Detail

      • AnyUriValue

        public AnyUriValue​(String value)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new AnyURIAttributeValue that represents the URI value supplied.
        value - the URI to be represented

        WARNING: cannot be used here for XACML datatype, because not equivalent to XML schema anyURI type. Spaces are allowed in XSD anyURI [1], not in [1] So we use String instead.

        IllegalArgumentException - if value is not a valid string representation for xs:anyURI
    • Method Detail

      • getXdmItem

        public net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmItem getXdmItem()
        corresponding XPath (XDM) value
      • printXML

        public String printXML()
        Converts the internal value (accessible via SimpleValue.getUnderlyingValue()) to a valid lexical representation for XML marshalling. Equivalent to the 'printMethod' in JAXB 'javaType' binding customizations. Implementations of this typically call DatatypeConverter. This method is called by SimpleValue.getContent() and its result cached by the same method for later use. Therefore, no need to cache the result in the implementation.
        Specified by:
        printXML in class SimpleValue<String>
        XML-valid lexical representation.