Class IndividualXacmlJaxbRequest

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class IndividualXacmlJaxbRequest
    extends Object
    implements DecisionRequest
    (Immutable) Individual decision request using XACML-schema-derived JAXB-annotated objects (XACML Attributes elements), as defined by Multiple Decision Profile of XACML. This differs from DecisionRequest only by the fact that the XACML request may require in addition, esp. in a Multiple Decision, that a sequence of Attributes elements from the request be included in the XACML Result as well, in order for the requester to correlate with the Attributes elements in the request, i.e. the individual requests.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndividualXacmlJaxbRequest

        public IndividualXacmlJaxbRequest​(ImmutableDecisionRequest baseRequest,
                                <> attributesToBeReturned)
        Creates instance from an XACML-agnostic request
        baseRequest - base request in XACML-agnostic model
        attributesToBeReturned - attributes to be included in corresponding XACML Result
    • Method Detail

      • getCreationTimestamp

        public Instant getCreationTimestamp()
        Description copied from interface: DecisionRequest
        Returns the request object creation timestamp. May be used to set one of XACML current-* attributes.
        Specified by:
        getCreationTimestamp in interface DecisionRequest
        this object creation timestamp
      • getExtraContentsByCategory

        public<String,​net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode> getExtraContentsByCategory()
        Description copied from interface: DecisionRequest
        Get Attributes/Contents (parsed into XDM data model for XPath evaluation) by attribute category
        Specified by:
        getExtraContentsByCategory in interface DecisionRequest
        XML Content nodes by category, maybe empty - but NEVER NULL - if none (but DecisionRequest.getNamedAttributes() result may not be empty)
      • isApplicablePolicyIdListReturned

        public boolean isApplicablePolicyIdListReturned()
        Description copied from interface: DecisionRequest
        Get ReturnPolicyIdList flag
        Specified by:
        isApplicablePolicyIdListReturned in interface DecisionRequest
        true iff original XACML Request's ReturnPolicyIdList == true
      • getAttributesToBeReturned

        public List<> getAttributesToBeReturned()
        Attributes elements to be included in corresponding result.
        Attributes elements to be included in the decision result
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object