Interface SingleCategoryXacmlAttributesParser<INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY>

  • Type Parameters:
    INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY - type of category-specific attribute group in the original XACML request, e.g. XACML/XML (JAXB) Attributes element, XACML/JSON (JSON Profile) Category object.

    public interface SingleCategoryXacmlAttributesParser<INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY>
    Parser for XACML request attribute categories, i.e. group of attributes in a specific category, e.g. XACML/XML (JAXB) Attributes element, XACML/JSON (JSON Profile) Category object.
    • Method Detail

      • parseAttributes

        SingleCategoryAttributes<?,​INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY> parseAttributes​(INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY inputXacmlAttributeCategory,
                                                                                   Optional<XPathCompilerProxy> xPathCompiler)
                                                                            throws IndeterminateEvaluationException
        Parses XACML Attributes element into internal Java type expected by/optimized for the policy decision engine
        inputXacmlAttributeCategory - category of attributes from original XACML request, ie. XACML Attributes element.
        xPathCompiler - XPath compiler for compiling/evaluating XPath expressions in values, such as XACML xpathExpressions, typically derived from XACML RequestDefaults/XPathVersion; or undefined if RequestDefaults/XPathVersion undefined or XPath support disabled by PDP configuration
        Attributes parsing result; null if nothing to parse, i.e. no Attribute and (no Content or Content parsing disabled);
        IndeterminateEvaluationException - if any parsing error occurs