Class MultipleDecisionXacmlJsonRequestPreprocessor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class MultipleDecisionXacmlJsonRequestPreprocessor
    extends BaseXacmlJsonRequestPreprocessor
    XACML/JSON - according to XACML JSON Profile - Request preprocessor implementing Multiple Decision Profile, section 2.3 (repeated attribute categories). Other schemes are not supported.
    $Id: $
    • Constructor Detail

      • MultipleDecisionXacmlJsonRequestPreprocessor

        public MultipleDecisionXacmlJsonRequestPreprocessor​(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.value.AttributeValueFactoryRegistry datatypeFactoryRegistry,
                                                            boolean strictAttributeIssuerMatch,
                                                            boolean allowAttributeDuplicates,
                                                            boolean requireContentForXPath,
                                                            Set<String> extraPdpFeatures)
        Creates instance of default request preprocessor
        datatypeFactoryRegistry - attribute datatype registry
        strictAttributeIssuerMatch - true iff strict attribute Issuer match must be enforced (in particular request attributes with empty Issuer only match corresponding AttributeDesignators with empty Issuer)
        allowAttributeDuplicates - true iff duplicate Attribute (with same metadata) elements in Request (for multi-valued attributes) must be allowed
        requireContentForXPath - true iff Content elements must be parsed, else ignored
        extraPdpFeatures - extra - not mandatory per XACML 3.0 core specification - features supported by the PDP engine. This preprocessor checks whether it is supported by the PDP before processing the request further.
    • Method Detail

      • process

        public List<IndividualXacmlJsonRequest> process​(org.json.JSONArray jsonArrayOfRequestAttributeCategoryObjects,
                                              <org.json.JSONObject> xacmlAttrsParser,
                                                        boolean isApplicablePolicyIdListReturned,
                                                        boolean combinedDecision,
                                                        net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathCompiler xPathCompiler,
                                                        Map<String,​String> namespaceURIsByPrefix)
                                                 throws org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.IndeterminateEvaluationException
        Description copied from class: BaseXacmlJsonRequestPreprocessor
        Pre-processes (validates and/or transforms) a Request, may result in multiple individual decision requests, e.g. if implementing the Multiple Decision Profile or Hierarchical Resource profile
        Specified by:
        process in class BaseXacmlJsonRequestPreprocessor
        jsonArrayOfRequestAttributeCategoryObjects - array of XACML JSON Category objects, null if none
        xacmlAttrsParser - XACML Attributes element Parser instance, used to parse each Attributes in attributesList.
        isApplicablePolicyIdListReturned - XACML Request's property returnPolicyIdList.
        combinedDecision - XACML Request's property isCombinedDecision
        xPathCompiler - xpathExpression compiler, corresponding to the XACML RequestDefaults element, or null if no RequestDefaults element.
        namespaceURIsByPrefix - namespace prefix-URI mappings (e.g. "... xmlns:prefix=uri") in the original XACML Request bound to req, used as part of the context for XPath evaluation
        individual decision requests, as defined in Multiple Decision Profile, e.g. a singleton list if no multiple decision requested or supported by the pre-processor

        Return a Collection and not array to make it easy for the implementer to create a defensive copy with Collections#unmodifiableList() and alike.

        org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.IndeterminateEvaluationException - if some feature requested in the Request is not supported by this pre-processor