Class FacebookClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FacebookClient
    extends OAuth20Client

    This class is the OAuth client to authenticate users in Facebook.

    By default, the following scope is requested to Facebook: user_likes, user_about_me, user_birthday, user_education_history, email, user_hometown, user_relationship_details, user_location, user_religion_politics, user_relationships, user_website and user_work_history.

    The scope can be defined to require permissions from the user and retrieve fields from Facebook, by using the setScope(String) method.

    By default, the following fields are requested to Facebook: id, name, first_name, middle_name, last_name, gender, locale, languages, link, third_party_id, timezone, updated_time, verified, about, birthday, education, email, hometown, interested_in, location, political, favorite_athletes, favorite_teams, quotes, relationship_status, religion, significant_other, website and work.

    The fields can be defined and requested to Facebook, by using the setFields(String) method.

    The number of results can be limited by using the setLimit(int) method.

    An extended access token can be requested by setting true on the FacebookConfiguration.setRequiresExtendedToken(boolean) method.

    It returns a FacebookProfile.

    More information at

    More information at

    Jerome Leleu, Mehdi BEN HAJ ABBES
    • Constructor Detail

      • FacebookClient

        public FacebookClient()
      • FacebookClient

        public FacebookClient​(String key,
                              String secret)