

package vnc

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CountedId extends AnyRef

  2. class DefaultVncDriverFactoryList extends DriverFactoryList

    This is the default DriverFactoryList for Browsers running on VNC Servers.

  3. trait DefaultVncDriverTraits extends FixedLocation with TakeScreenshot with TracedRemoteDriverFactory with LoggingDriverFactory with ThreadNameNumberingDriverFactory

    Traits used by all VncDriverFactories

  4. case class DefaultVncServer(onTerminated: (Boolean) ⇒ Unit) extends SeleniumVncServer with CountedId with FindFreeSeleniumPort with Product with Serializable

    This class controls the startup of new VNC Servers.

  5. trait FindFreeSeleniumPort extends AnyRef

    Tries to find an unused port for selenium server.

  6. trait FixedSeleniumPort extends AnyRef

    The default selenium port is just a fixed offset added to the display id

  7. trait SeleniumVncServer extends VncServer

    A trait providing the URL used to connect to selenium running inside of the VNC Server.

  8. case class VncChromeDriverFactory[V <: SeleniumVncServer](vncServerManager: VncServerManager[V]) extends VncDriverFactory[V] with Product with Serializable

    A WebDriverFactory used to start Chrome inside of a VNC Server.

  9. abstract class VncDriverFactory[V <: SeleniumVncServer] extends RemoteDriverFactory with Logging

    A WebDriverFactory used to connect to a selenium server running inside of a VNC Server.

  10. case class VncFirefoxDriverFactory[V <: SeleniumVncServer](vncServerManager: VncServerManager[V]) extends VncDriverFactory[V] with Product with Serializable

    A WebDriverFactory used to start Firefox inside of a VNC Server.

  11. trait VncServer extends Logging

    trait to start and stop a VNC Server instance.

  12. case class VncServerManager[V <: VncServer](createVncServer: ((Boolean) ⇒ Unit) ⇒ V) extends WaitFor with Logging with Product with Serializable

    VncManager will start a new VncServer when needed.

Value Members

  1. object CountedId

    You can configure the port range used by VNC, the default is to use ports from one upwards.

  2. object DefaultVncChromeDriverFactory extends VncChromeDriverFactory[DefaultVncServer] with DefaultVncDriverTraits

    This DriverFactory will launch a VNC Server, start the selenium server inside and the creates a Chrome Browser with matching RemoteWebDriver to connect into the VNC Server.

  3. object DefaultVncFirefoxDriverFactory extends VncFirefoxDriverFactory[DefaultVncServer] with DefaultVncDriverTraits

    This DriverFactory will launch a VNC Server, start the selenium server inside and the creates a Firefox Browser with matching RemoteWebDriver to connect into the VNC Server.

  4. object DefaultVncServerManager extends VncServerManager[DefaultVncServer]

    A VncServerManager creating DefaultVncServer instances.
