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addRows(GridPane, List<Node>...) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.GridFactory
Add rows to the GridPane.
and(Collection<PredicateProperty<T>>) - Static method in class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
Creates calculated predicate property that produces logical AND from its arguments.
and(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty


BaseDialog<R> - Class in org.panteleyev.fx
Base class for dialogs.
BaseDialog() - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.BaseDialog
Creates dialog instance with no owner and default style sheet.
BaseDialog(URL) - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.BaseDialog
Creates dialog instance with no owner and specified style sheet.
BaseDialog(Controller) - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.BaseDialog
Creates dialog instance with specified owner.
BaseDialog(Controller, URL) - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.BaseDialog
Creates dialog instance with specified owner and style sheet.
bind(ObservableValue<? extends Predicate<T>>) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
Create a unidirectional binding for this Property.
BoxFactory - Interface in org.panteleyev.fx
build() - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.ComboBoxBuilder
Builds ComboBox instance.
ButtonFactory - Interface in org.panteleyev.fx
This interface provides convenience methods to create buttons.


clearValueAndSelection(ComboBox<?>...) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.FxUtils
Clears selection and sets list value to null.
colSpan(Node, int) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.GridFactory
Sets column span for the GridPane child node.
ComboBoxBuilder<T> - Class in org.panteleyev.fx
This class implements builder that creates instances of ComboBox.
ComboBoxBuilder() - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.ComboBoxBuilder
ComboBoxBuilder(ObservableList<T>) - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.ComboBoxBuilder
Sets ComboBox items.
ComboBoxBuilder(T[]) - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.ComboBoxBuilder
Sets ComboBox items from an array.
Controller - Class in org.panteleyev.fx
Base class for UI controller.
Controller(String) - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.Controller
Creates controller for which stage will be created later.
Controller(Stage, String) - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.Controller
Creates controller based on existing stage.
createDefaultButtons(ResourceBundle) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.BaseDialog
Creates OK and Cancel buttons.
createDefaultButtons(ResourceBundle, ReadOnlyBooleanProperty) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.BaseDialog
Creates OK and Cancel buttons.


EMPTY_NODE - Static variable in interface org.panteleyev.fx.GridFactory
Special node that represents empty grid cell.


find(Class<? extends Controller>) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.WindowManager
Finds first active controller of the specified class.
find(Class<? extends Controller>, Predicate<Controller>) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.WindowManager
Returns first active controller of the specified class that meets the criteria checked by enumerator.
fromString(String) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.ReadOnlyStringConverter
fromString(String) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.ToStringConverter
FxFactory - Interface in org.panteleyev.fx
This interface provides convenience methods to create and configure various JavaFX controls in one method call.
FxUtils - Interface in org.panteleyev.fx


getButton(ButtonType) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.BaseDialog
Returns button of the specified type.
getControllers() - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.WindowManager
Returns all active controllers.
getControllerStream() - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.WindowManager
Returns all active controllers as stream.
getControllerStream(Class<? extends Controller>) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.WindowManager
Returns all active controllers of the specified class as stream.
getStage() - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.Controller
Returns stage associated with this controller.
getTitle() - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.Controller
GridFactory - Interface in org.panteleyev.fx


isVisible() - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.Controller
Returns visibility status of the controller.


LabelFactory - Interface in org.panteleyev.fx
This interface provides convenience methods to create objects of Label.


MenuFactory - Interface in org.panteleyev.fx
This interface provides convenience methods to create menus, menu items, etc.


negate() - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
newButton(String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.ButtonFactory
Creates new push button.
newButton(ResourceBundle, String) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.ButtonFactory
newButton(ResourceBundle, String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.ButtonFactory
Creates new push button.
newButtonType(String, ButtonBar.ButtonData) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.ButtonFactory
newButtonType(ResourceBundle, String, ButtonBar.ButtonData) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.ButtonFactory
newCheckBox(ResourceBundle, String) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.FxFactory
Creates new check box.
newCheckMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, boolean) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new check menu item.
newCheckMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, boolean, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new check menu item.
newCheckMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, boolean, KeyCombination) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new check menu item.
newCheckMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, boolean, KeyCombination, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new check menu item.
newGridPane(String, List<Node>...) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.GridFactory
Creates new GridPane with a single style and rows.
newGridPane(Collection<String>, List<Node>...) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.GridFactory
Creates new GridPane with styles and rows.
newHBox(double, Pos, Node...) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.BoxFactory
Creates new HBox.
newHBox(Pos, Node...) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.BoxFactory
Creates new HBox.
newInstance() - Static method in class org.panteleyev.fx.WindowManager
newLabel(String) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.LabelFactory
Creates new label.
newLabel(String, Node) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.LabelFactory
Creates new label.
newLabel(ResourceBundle, String) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.LabelFactory
Creates new label.
newLabel(ResourceBundle, String, String) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.LabelFactory
Creates new label.
newLabel(ResourceBundle, String, String, Node) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.LabelFactory
Creates new label.
newLabel(ResourceBundle, String, Node) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.LabelFactory
Creates new label.
newMenu(ResourceBundle, String, MenuItem...) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu.
newMenu(ResourceBundle, String, Node, MenuItem...) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu.
newMenuBar(Menu...) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu bar. useSystemMenuBar property is set to true.
newMenuItem(String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu item.
newMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu item.
newMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>, BooleanBinding) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu item.
newMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, String, KeyCombination, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu item.
newMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, String, KeyCombination, EventHandler<ActionEvent>, BooleanBinding) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu item.
newMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu item.
newMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, EventHandler<ActionEvent>, BooleanBinding) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu item.
newMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, KeyCombination, EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu item.
newMenuItem(ResourceBundle, String, KeyCombination, EventHandler<ActionEvent>, BooleanBinding) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.MenuFactory
Creates new menu item.
newRadioButton(ResourceBundle, String, ToggleGroup) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.ButtonFactory
Creates new radio button.
newRadioButton(ResourceBundle, String, ToggleGroup, boolean) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.ButtonFactory
Creates new radio button.
newSearchField(Supplier<TextField>, Consumer<String>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.FxFactory
Creates new search text field.
newTab(ResourceBundle, String, boolean) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.FxFactory
Creates new tab.
newTab(ResourceBundle, String, boolean, Node) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.FxFactory
Creates new tab.
newTableColumn(String, Callback<TableColumn<S, S>, TableCell<S, S>>, Comparator<S>, ObservableValue<? extends Number>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TableFactory
Creates new table column.
newTableColumn(String, Callback<TableColumn<S, S>, TableCell<S, S>>, ObservableValue<? extends Number>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TableFactory
Creates new table column.
newTableColumn(String, Callback<TableColumn<S, T>, TableCell<S, T>>, Callback<S, T>, Comparator<T>, ObservableValue<? extends Number>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TableFactory
Creates new table column.
newTableColumn(String, Callback<TableColumn<S, T>, TableCell<S, T>>, Callback<S, T>, ObservableValue<? extends Number>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TableFactory
Creates new table column.
newTableColumn(ResourceBundle, String, Callback<TableColumn<S, S>, TableCell<S, S>>, Comparator<S>, ObservableValue<? extends Number>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TableFactory
Creates new table column.
newTableColumn(ResourceBundle, String, Callback<TableColumn<S, S>, TableCell<S, S>>, ObservableValue<? extends Number>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TableFactory
Creates new table column.
newTableColumn(ResourceBundle, String, Callback<TableColumn<S, T>, TableCell<S, T>>, Callback<S, T>, Comparator<T>, ObservableValue<? extends Number>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TableFactory
Creates new table column.
newTableColumn(ResourceBundle, String, Callback<TableColumn<S, T>, TableCell<S, T>>, Callback<S, T>, ObservableValue<? extends Number>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TableFactory
Creates new table column.
newTreeItem(boolean) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TreeTableFactory
Creates new tree item.
newTreeItem(T, boolean) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TreeTableFactory
Creates new tree item.
newTreeItem(T, Node, boolean) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TreeTableFactory
Creates new tree item.
newTreeTableColumn(String, Callback<TreeTableColumn<S, S>, TreeTableCell<S, S>>, ObservableValue<? extends Number>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TreeTableFactory
Creates new tree table column.
newTreeTableColumn(String, Callback<TreeTableColumn<S, T>, TreeTableCell<S, T>>, Callback<S, T>, ObservableValue<? extends Number>) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.TreeTableFactory
Creates new tree table column.


or(Collection<PredicateProperty<T>>) - Static method in class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
Creates calculated predicate property that produces logical OR from its arguments.
or(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
org.panteleyev.fx - module org.panteleyev.fx
This module implements helper classes for JavaFX.
org.panteleyev.fx - package org.panteleyev.fx
Helper classes for JavaFX.


PredicateProperty<T> - Class in org.panteleyev.fx
This class implements property that wraps Predicate instance.
PredicateProperty() - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
Creates an instance with default predicate.
PredicateProperty(Object, String) - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
Creates an instance with default predicate.
PredicateProperty(Object, String, Predicate<T>) - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
Creates an instance with the specified predicate value.
PredicateProperty(Predicate<T>) - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
Creates an instance with the specified predicate value.


ReadOnlyStringConverter<T> - Class in org.panteleyev.fx
ReadOnlyStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.ReadOnlyStringConverter
reset() - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
Changes predicate to its initial value, i.e. x -> true.


set(Predicate<T>) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
Sets the wrapped predicate value.
setColumnSpan(int, Node...) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.GridFactory
Sets specified column span for GridPane nodes.
setHGrow(Priority, Node...) - Static method in interface org.panteleyev.fx.BoxFactory
Sets the horizontal grow priority for the specified children.
setupWindow(Parent) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.Controller
Creates stage for given root node.
setValue(Predicate<T>) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
Sets the wrapped predicate value.


TableFactory - Interface in org.panteleyev.fx
This interface provides convenience method to create objects of TableColumn.
test(T) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.PredicateProperty
ToStringConverter<T> - Class in org.panteleyev.fx
ToStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.panteleyev.fx.ToStringConverter
TreeTableFactory - Interface in org.panteleyev.fx
This interface provides convenience method to create objects of the following classes: TreeTableColumn TreeItem


WindowManager - Class in org.panteleyev.fx
This class implements window manager to manipulate active controllers opened by the application.
withDefaultString(String) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.ComboBoxBuilder
Sets default string.
withHandler(EventHandler<ActionEvent>) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.ComboBoxBuilder
Sets ComboBoxBase.onActionProperty().
withImageConverter(Function<T, Image>) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.ComboBoxBuilder
Sets converter that represents item as Image.
withStringConverter(Function<T, String>) - Method in class org.panteleyev.fx.ComboBoxBuilder
Sets converter that represents item as string.
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