

package zinc

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AnalysisMap extends Product with Serializable

    A facade around the analysis cache to: 1) map between classpath entries and cache locations 2) use analysis for definesClass when it is available

  2. case class AnalysisOptions(cache: Option[File] = scala.None, cacheMap: Map[File, File] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for sbt analysis and analysis output options.

  3. abstract class ArgumentOption[Value, Context] extends OptionDef[Context]

  4. class BooleanOption[Context] extends FlagOption[Context]

  5. class Compiler extends AnyRef

    A zinc compiler for incremental recompilation.

  6. case class ConsoleOptions(logLevel: sbt.Level.Value = sbt.Level.Info, color: Boolean = true, logPhases: Boolean = false, printProgress: Boolean = false, heartbeatSecs: Int = 0, fileFilters: Seq[Regex] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], msgFilters: Seq[Regex] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends Product with Serializable

    Due to the limit of 22 elements in a case class, options must get broken down into sub-groups.

  7. class DoubleOption[Context] extends ArgumentOption[Double, Context]

  8. class DummyOption[Context] extends OptionDef[Context]

  9. class FileMapOption[Context] extends ArgumentOption[Map[File, File], Context]

  10. class FileOption[Context] extends ArgumentOption[File, Context]

  11. class FilePairOption[Context] extends ArgumentOption[(File, File), Context]

  12. class FileSeqMapOption[Context] extends ArgumentOption[Map[Seq[File], File], Context]

  13. abstract class FlagOption[Context] extends OptionDef[Context]

  14. class FractionOption[Context] extends ArgumentOption[Double, Context]

  15. class HeaderOption[Context] extends OptionDef[Context]

  16. case class IncOptions(transitiveStep: Int = ..., recompileAllFraction: Double = ..., relationsDebug: Boolean = ..., apiDebug: Boolean =, apiDiffContextSize: Int = ..., apiDumpDirectory: Option[File] = ..., transactional: Boolean = false, backup: Option[File] = scala.None, recompileOnMacroDef: Boolean = ..., nameHashing: Boolean = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    Wrapper around incremental compiler options.

  17. case class Inputs(classpath: Seq[File], sources: Seq[File], classesDirectory: File, scalacOptions: Seq[String], javacOptions: Seq[String], cacheFile: File, analysisMap: AnalysisMap, javaOnly: Boolean, compileOrder: CompileOrder, incOptions: IncOptions) extends Product with Serializable

    All inputs for a compile run.

  18. class IntOption[Context] extends ArgumentOption[Int, Context]

  19. case class JarFile(name: String, classifier: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    Jar file description for locating jars.

  20. abstract class OptionDef[Context] extends AnyRef

  21. case class Parsed[Context](context: Context, remaining: Seq[String], errors: Seq[String] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends Product with Serializable

  22. class PathOption[Context] extends ArgumentOption[Seq[File], Context]

  23. class PrefixOption[Context] extends OptionDef[Context]

  24. case class SbtJars(sbtInterface: Option[File] = scala.None, compilerInterfaceSrc: Option[File] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    Locating the sbt jars needed for zinc compile.

  25. case class ScalaJars(compiler: File, library: File, extra: Seq[File]) extends Product with Serializable

    The scala jars split into compiler, library, and extra.

  26. case class ScalaLocation(home: Option[File] = scala.None, path: Seq[File] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], compiler: Option[File] = scala.None, library: Option[File] = scala.None, extra: Seq[File] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends Product with Serializable

    Alternative ways to locate the scala jars.

  27. case class Settings(help: Boolean = false, version: Boolean = false, consoleLog: ConsoleOptions = ..., captureLog: Option[File] = scala.None, sources: Seq[File] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], classpath: Seq[File] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], classesDirectory: File = new"."), scala: ScalaLocation = ..., scalacOptions: Seq[String] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], javaHome: Option[File] = scala.None, forkJava: Boolean = false, javaOnly: Boolean = false, javacOptions: Seq[String] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], compileOrder: CompileOrder = xsbti.compile.CompileOrder.Mixed, sbt: SbtJars = ..., incOptions: IncOptions = ..., analysis: AnalysisOptions = ..., properties: Seq[String] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends Product with Serializable

    All parsed command-line options.

  28. case class Setup(scalaCompiler: File, scalaLibrary: File, scalaExtra: Seq[File], sbtInterface: File, compilerInterfaceSrc: File, javaHome: Option[File], forkJava: Boolean, cacheDir: File) extends Product with Serializable

    All identity-affecting options for a zinc compiler.

  29. class SimpleCompileProgress extends CompileProgress

    SimpleCompileProgress implements CompileProgress to add output to zinc scala compilations, but does not implement the capability to cancel compilations via the advance method.

  30. class StringOption[Context] extends ArgumentOption[String, Context]

Value Members

  1. object AnalysisMap extends Serializable

  2. object Compiler

  3. object Inputs extends Serializable

  4. object JarFile extends Serializable

  5. object Main

    Command-line main class.

  6. object Options

    Parsing command-line options, immutably.

  7. object ParseHelpers

  8. object SafeFileBasedStore

    Safely update analysis file by writing to a temp file first and only rename to the original file upon successful write.

  9. object SbtJars extends Serializable

  10. object ScalaLocation extends Serializable

  11. object Settings extends Serializable

  12. object Setup extends Serializable

  13. object Util
