Class VarFramingMatcher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Matcher, Rule, GraphNode<Matcher>

    public class VarFramingMatcher
    extends Object
    implements Matcher
    Special wrapping matcher that manages the creation and destruction of execution frames for a number of action vars.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VarFramingMatcher

        public VarFramingMatcher​(Rule inner,
                                 Var[] variables)
    • Method Detail

      • match

        public <V> boolean match​(MatcherContext<V> context)
        Description copied from interface: Matcher
        Tries a match on the given MatcherContext.
        Specified by:
        match in interface Matcher
        context - the MatcherContext
        true if the match was successful
      • label

        public Rule label​(String label)
        Description copied from interface: Rule
        Attaches a label to this Rule. Corresponds to the @Label annotation.
        Specified by:
        label in interface Rule
        label - the label
        this Rule
      • suppressNode

        public Rule suppressNode()
        Description copied from interface: Rule
        Instructs parboiled to not create a parse tree node for this rule and all subrules, which can significantly increase parsing performance. Corresponds to the @SuppressNode annotation.
        Specified by:
        suppressNode in interface Rule
        this Rule
      • suppressSubnodes

        public Rule suppressSubnodes()
        Description copied from interface: Rule
        Instructs parboiled to not create parse tree nodes for the subrules of this rule, which can significantly increase parsing performance. Corresponds to the @SuppressSubnodes annotation.
        Specified by:
        suppressSubnodes in interface Rule
        this Rule
      • skipNode

        public Rule skipNode()
        Description copied from interface: Rule
        Instructs parboiled to not create a parse tree node for this rule. The parse tree nodes of all subrules are directly attached to the parent of this rule (or more correctly: the first ancestor not having been marked skipNode(). Note that, even though a rule marked as skipNode() does not create a parse tree node of its own and is therefore "invisible" in the parse tree, the rule still exists as a regular rule in the rule tree and is accompanied by a "regular" rule Context during rule matching. Corresponds to the @SkipNode annotation.
        Specified by:
        skipNode in interface Rule
        this Rule
      • memoMismatches

        public Rule memoMismatches()
        Description copied from interface: Rule
        Enables memoization of rule mismatches for consecutive rule applications at the same input location.
        Specified by:
        memoMismatches in interface Rule
        this rule
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        Specified by:
        getLabel in interface Matcher
        the label of the matcher (which is identical to the label of the Rule this matcher matches)
      • hasCustomLabel

        public boolean hasCustomLabel()
        Specified by:
        hasCustomLabel in interface Matcher
        true if this matcher has been assigned a custom label
      • isNodeSuppressed

        public boolean isNodeSuppressed()
        Specified by:
        isNodeSuppressed in interface Matcher
        true if this matcher has been marked with @SuppressNode
      • areSubnodesSuppressed

        public boolean areSubnodesSuppressed()
        Specified by:
        areSubnodesSuppressed in interface Matcher
        true if this matcher has been marked with @SuppressSubnodes
      • isNodeSkipped

        public boolean isNodeSkipped()
        Specified by:
        isNodeSkipped in interface Matcher
        true if this matcher has been marked with @SkipNode
      • areMismatchesMemoed

        public boolean areMismatchesMemoed()
        Specified by:
        areMismatchesMemoed in interface Matcher
        true if this matcher has been marked with @MemoMismatches
      • setTag

        public void setTag​(Object tagObject)
        Description copied from interface: Matcher
        Associates an arbitrary object with this matcher. Used for example during profiling and packrat parsing. The matcher implementations themselves completely ignore the contents of this property. It purely serves as a performance optimization for ParseRunners and/or MatchHandlers and saves these from the need to use Map<Matcher, XYZ> structures for associating internal objects with matchers.
        Specified by:
        setTag in interface Matcher
        tagObject - the tag object
      • getTag

        public Object getTag()
        Description copied from interface: Matcher
        Retrieves a previously set tag object.
        Specified by:
        getTag in interface Matcher
        the tag object or null if none set
      • getSubContext

        public MatcherContext getSubContext​(MatcherContext context)
        Description copied from interface: Matcher
        Creates a context for the matching of this matcher using the given parent context.
        Specified by:
        getSubContext in interface Matcher
        context - the parent context
        the context this matcher is to be run in
      • accept

        public <R> R accept​(MatcherVisitor<R> visitor)
        Description copied from interface: Matcher
        Accepts the given matcher visitor.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface Matcher
        visitor - the visitor
        the value returned by the given visitor
      • unwrap

        public static Matcher unwrap​(Matcher matcher)
        Retrieves the innermost Matcher that is not a VarFramingMatcher.
        matcher - the matcher to unwrap
        the given instance if it is not a VarFramingMatcher, otherwise the innermost Matcher