Class TreeUtils

  • public final class TreeUtils
    extends Object
    General utility methods for operating on tree, i.e. graphs consisting of TreeNodes.
    • Method Detail

      • getRoot

        public static <T extends TreeNode<T>> T getRoot​(T node)
        Returns the root of the tree the given node is part of.
        node - the node to get the root of
        the root or null if the given node is null
      • addChild

        public static <T extends MutableTreeNode<T>> void addChild​(T parent,
                                                                   T child)
        Adds a new child node to a given MutableTreeNode parent.
        parent - the parent node
        child - the child node to add
      • removeChild

        public static <T extends MutableTreeNode<T>> void removeChild​(T parent,
                                                                      T child)
        Removes the given child from the given parent node.
        parent - the parent node
        child - the child node
      • toLeftAssociativity

        public static <N extends MutableBinaryTreeNode<N>> N toLeftAssociativity​(N node)
        Performs the following transformation on the given MutableBinaryTreeNode:
                o1                    o2
               / \                   / \
              A   o2     ====>     o1   C
                 / \              / \
                B   C            A   B
        node - the node to transform
        the new root after the transformation, which is either the right sub node of the original root or the original root, if the right sub node is null