Class MessageMetadata.Layer

    • Constructor Detail

      • Layer

        public Layer​(int depth)
    • Method Detail

      • getChild

        public MessageMetadata.Nested getChild()
        Return the nested child element of this layer. Might return
        , if this layer does not have a child element (e.g. if this is a MessageMetadata.LiteralData packet).
        child element
      • getVerifiedDetachedSignatures

        public java.util.List<SignatureVerification> getVerifiedDetachedSignatures()
        Return a list of all verified detached signatures of this layer.
        all verified detached signatures of this layer
      • getRejectedDetachedSignatures

        public java.util.List<SignatureVerification.Failure> getRejectedDetachedSignatures()
        Return a list of all rejected detached signatures of this layer.
        all rejected detached signatures of this layer
      • getVerifiedOnePassSignatures

        public java.util.List<SignatureVerification> getVerifiedOnePassSignatures()
        Return a list of all verified one-pass-signatures of this layer.
        all verified one-pass-signatures of this layer
      • getRejectedOnePassSignatures

        public java.util.List<SignatureVerification.Failure> getRejectedOnePassSignatures()
        Return a list of all rejected one-pass-signatures of this layer.
        all rejected one-pass-signatures of this layer
      • getVerifiedPrependedSignatures

        public java.util.List<SignatureVerification> getVerifiedPrependedSignatures()
        Return a list of all verified prepended signatures of this layer.
        all verified prepended signatures of this layer
      • getRejectedPrependedSignatures

        public java.util.List<SignatureVerification.Failure> getRejectedPrependedSignatures()
        Return a list of all rejected prepended signatures of this layer.
        all rejected prepended signatures of this layer