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allowNested() - Method in interface sop.operation.Armor
Allow nested Armoring.
AmbiguousInput() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.AmbiguousInput
armor() - Method in interface sop.SOP
Convert binary OpenPGP data to ASCII.
Armor - Interface in sop.operation
ArmorLabel - Enum in sop.enums
Auto - sop.enums.ArmorLabel


BadData(Throwable) - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.BadData
Binary - sop.enums.EncryptAs
Binary - sop.enums.SignAs
ByteArrayAndResult<T> - Class in sop
ByteArrayAndResult(byte[], T) - Constructor for class sop.ByteArrayAndResult
bytesToHex(byte[]) - Static method in class sop.util.HexUtil
Encode a byte array to a hex string.


CannotDecrypt() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.CannotDecrypt
cert(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Verify
Adds the verification cert.
Cert - sop.enums.ArmorLabel
CertCannotEncrypt() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.CertCannotEncrypt
CertCannotSign() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.CertCannotSign
ciphertext(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Decrypt
Decrypts the given ciphertext, returning verification results and plaintext.
close() - Method in class sop.util.ProxyOutputStream


data(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Armor
Armor the provided data.
data(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Dearmor
Dearmor armored OpenPGP data.
data(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Sign
Signs data.
data(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.VerifySignatures
dearmor() - Method in interface sop.SOP
Converts ASCII armored OpenPGP data to binary.
Dearmor - Interface in sop.operation
decrypt() - Method in interface sop.SOP
Decrypt a message.
Decrypt - Interface in sop.operation
DecryptionResult - Class in sop
DecryptionResult(SessionKey, List<Verification>) - Constructor for class sop.DecryptionResult


encrypt() - Method in interface sop.SOP
Encrypt a message.
Encrypt - Interface in sop.operation
EncryptAs - Enum in sop.enums
equals(Object) - Method in class sop.SessionKey
EXIT_CODE - Static variable in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.BadData
EXIT_CODE - Static variable in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.CannotDecrypt
EXIT_CODE - Static variable in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.CertCannotEncrypt
EXIT_CODE - Static variable in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.ExpectedText
EXIT_CODE - Static variable in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.IncompleteVerification
EXIT_CODE - Static variable in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.MissingArg
EXIT_CODE - Static variable in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.NoSignature
EXIT_CODE - Static variable in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.NotImplemented
EXIT_CODE - Static variable in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.PasswordNotHumanReadable
EXIT_CODE - Static variable in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.UnsupportedAsymmetricAlgo
EXIT_CODE - Static variable in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.UnsupportedOption
ExpectedText() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.ExpectedText
extractCert() - Method in interface sop.SOP
Extract a certificate (public key) from a secret key.
ExtractCert - Interface in sop.operation


flush() - Method in class sop.util.ProxyOutputStream
formatUTCDate(Date) - Static method in class sop.util.UTCUtil
Format a date as ISO-8601 UTC timestamp.


generate() - Method in interface sop.operation.GenerateKey
Generate the OpenPGP key and return it encoded as an InputStream.
generateKey() - Method in interface sop.SOP
Generate a secret key.
GenerateKey - Interface in sop.operation
get() - Method in class sop.util.Optional
getAlgorithm() - Method in class sop.SessionKey
Return the symmetric algorithm octet.
getBytes() - Method in class sop.ByteArrayAndResult
getBytes() - Method in class sop.Ready
getCreationTime() - Method in class sop.Verification
Return the signatures creation time.
getExitCode() - Method in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.BadData
getExitCode() - Method in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.CannotDecrypt
getExitCode() - Method in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.CertCannotEncrypt
getExitCode() - Method in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.ExpectedText
getExitCode() - Method in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.IncompleteVerification
getExitCode() - Method in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.MissingArg
getExitCode() - Method in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.NoSignature
getExitCode() - Method in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.NotImplemented
getExitCode() - Method in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.PasswordNotHumanReadable
getExitCode() - Method in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.UnsupportedAsymmetricAlgo
getExitCode() - Method in exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.UnsupportedOption
getKey() - Method in class sop.SessionKey
Return the session key.
getName() - Method in interface sop.operation.Version
Return the implementations name.
getResult() - Method in class sop.ByteArrayAndResult
getSessionKey() - Method in class sop.DecryptionResult
getSigningCertFingerprint() - Method in class sop.Verification
Return the fingerprint fo the signing certificate.
getSigningKeyFingerprint() - Method in class sop.Verification
Return the fingerprint of the signing (sub)key.
getVerifications() - Method in class sop.DecryptionResult
getVersion() - Method in interface sop.operation.Version
Return the implementations version string.


hashCode() - Method in class sop.SessionKey
hexToBytes(String) - Static method in class sop.util.HexUtil
Decode a hex string into a byte array.
HexUtil - Class in sop.util
HexUtil() - Constructor for class sop.util.HexUtil


IncompleteVerification() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.IncompleteVerification
isEmpty() - Method in class sop.util.Optional
isPresent() - Method in class sop.util.Optional


key(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.ExtractCert
Extract the cert from the provided key.
key(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Sign
Adds the signer key.
Key - sop.enums.ArmorLabel
KeyIsProtected() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.KeyIsProtected


label(ArmorLabel) - Method in interface sop.operation.Armor
Overrides automatic detection of label.


Message - sop.enums.ArmorLabel
MIME - sop.enums.EncryptAs
MissingArg(String) - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.MissingArg
mode(EncryptAs) - Method in interface sop.operation.Encrypt
Sets encryption mode.
mode(SignAs) - Method in interface sop.operation.Sign
Sets the signature mode.


noArmor() - Method in interface sop.operation.Encrypt
Disable ASCII armor encoding.
noArmor() - Method in interface sop.operation.ExtractCert
Disable ASCII armor encoding.
noArmor() - Method in interface sop.operation.GenerateKey
Disable ASCII armor encoding.
noArmor() - Method in interface sop.operation.Sign
Disable ASCII armor encoding.
NoSignature() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.NoSignature
notAfter(Date) - Method in interface sop.operation.Verify
Makes the SOP implementation consider signatures after this date invalid.
notBefore(Date) - Method in interface sop.operation.Verify
Makes the SOP implementation consider signatures before this date invalid.
NotImplemented() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.NotImplemented


of(T) - Static method in class sop.util.Optional
ofEmpty() - Static method in class sop.util.Optional
ofNullable(T) - Static method in class sop.util.Optional
Optional<T> - Class in sop.util
Backport of java.util.Optional for older Android versions.
Optional() - Constructor for class sop.util.Optional
Optional(T) - Constructor for class sop.util.Optional
OutputExists() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.OutputExists


parseUTCDate(String) - Static method in class sop.util.UTCUtil
Parse an ISO-8601 UTC timestamp from a string.
PasswordNotHumanReadable() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.PasswordNotHumanReadable
plaintext(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Encrypt
Encrypt the given data yielding the ciphertext.
ProxyOutputStream - Class in sop.util
OutputStream that buffers data being written into it, until its underlying output stream is being replaced.
ProxyOutputStream() - Constructor for class sop.util.ProxyOutputStream


Ready - Class in sop
Ready() - Constructor for class sop.Ready
ReadyWithResult<T> - Class in sop
ReadyWithResult() - Constructor for class sop.ReadyWithResult
replaceOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class sop.util.ProxyOutputStream


SessionKey - Class in sop
SessionKey(byte, byte[]) - Constructor for class sop.SessionKey
Sig - sop.enums.ArmorLabel
sign() - Method in interface sop.SOP
Create detached signatures.
Sign - Interface in sop.operation
SignAs - Enum in sop.enums
signatures(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Verify
Provides the signatures.
signWith(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Encrypt
Adds the signer key.
sop - package sop
Stateless OpenPGP Interface for Java.
SOP - Interface in sop
Stateless OpenPGP Interface.
sop.enums - package sop.enums
Stateless OpenPGP Interface for Java.
sop.exception - package sop.exception
Stateless OpenPGP Interface for Java.
sop.operation - package sop.operation
Stateless OpenPGP Interface for Java.
sop.util - package sop.util
Utility classes.
SOPGPException - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException
SOPGPException(String) - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException
SOPGPException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException
SOPGPException.AmbiguousInput - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.BadData - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.CannotDecrypt - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.CertCannotEncrypt - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.CertCannotSign - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.ExpectedText - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.IncompleteVerification - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.KeyIsProtected - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.MissingArg - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.NoSignature - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.NotImplemented - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.OutputExists - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.PasswordNotHumanReadable - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.UnsupportedAsymmetricAlgo - Exception in sop.exception
SOPGPException.UnsupportedOption - Exception in sop.exception


Text - sop.enums.EncryptAs
Text - sop.enums.SignAs
toBytes() - Method in class sop.ReadyWithResult
toString() - Method in class sop.SessionKey
toString() - Method in class sop.Verification


UnsupportedAsymmetricAlgo(Throwable) - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.UnsupportedAsymmetricAlgo
UnsupportedOption() - Constructor for exception sop.exception.SOPGPException.UnsupportedOption
userId(String) - Method in interface sop.operation.GenerateKey
Adds a user-id.
UTC_FORMATTER - Static variable in class sop.util.UTCUtil
UTC_PARSERS - Static variable in class sop.util.UTCUtil
UTCUtil - Class in sop.util
Utility class to parse and format dates as ISO-8601 UTC timestamps.
UTCUtil() - Constructor for class sop.util.UTCUtil


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sop.enums.ArmorLabel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sop.enums.EncryptAs
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sop.enums.SignAs
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum sop.enums.ArmorLabel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum sop.enums.EncryptAs
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum sop.enums.SignAs
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Verification - Class in sop
Verification(Date, String, String) - Constructor for class sop.Verification
verify() - Method in interface sop.SOP
Verify detached signatures.
Verify - Interface in sop.operation
verifyNotAfter(Date) - Method in interface sop.operation.Decrypt
Makes the SOP consider signatures after this date invalid.
verifyNotBefore(Date) - Method in interface sop.operation.Decrypt
Makes the SOP consider signatures before this date invalid.
VerifySignatures - Interface in sop.operation
verifyWithCert(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Decrypt
Adds the verification cert.
version() - Method in interface sop.SOP
Get information about the implementations name and version.
Version - Interface in sop.operation


withCert(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Encrypt
Encrypt with the given cert.
withKey(InputStream) - Method in interface sop.operation.Decrypt
Adds the decryption key.
withPassword(String) - Method in interface sop.operation.Decrypt
Tries to decrypt with the given password.
withPassword(String) - Method in interface sop.operation.Encrypt
Encrypt with the given password.
withSessionKey(SessionKey) - Method in interface sop.operation.Decrypt
Tries to decrypt with the given session key.
write(byte[]) - Method in class sop.util.ProxyOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class sop.util.ProxyOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class sop.util.ProxyOutputStream
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class sop.Ready
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class sop.ReadyWithResult
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