

package view

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AstNodeFormatter[R, S] extends AnyRef

  2. class AstNodeFormatterString extends AstNodeFormatter[String, List[String]]

  3. case class FormatterConfig(language: Language, conform: Boolean, highlight: Set[AstNode]) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class FormatterState(indentationLevel: Int, column: Int, needsIndent: Boolean, lineno: Int, stack: List[Option[(Int, String)]], _node2lineno: Map[AstNode, Int]) extends Product with Serializable

  5. trait View[T] extends AnyRef

  6. class XhtmlAstNodeFormatter extends AstNodeFormatter[List[Node], List[Node]]

  7. case class XhtmlLinesAstNodeFormatterState(tokens: List[Node], currentLine: Option[List[Node]], _lines: Map[Int, NodeSeq]) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Emission

  2. object Existence

  3. object ViewString extends View[String]

  4. object ViewXhtml extends View[NodeSeq]
