

package visualize

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. visualize
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AxleFrame extends JFrame

  2. class BackgroundPanel extends JPanel

  3. case class BarChart[G, S, Y](groups: Seq[G], slices: Seq[S], initialValue: Map[(G, S), Y], gLabeller: (G) ⇒ String = ((g: G) => g.toString()), sLabeller: (S) ⇒ String = ((s: S) => s.toString()), drawKey: Boolean = true, width: Int = 700, height: Int = 600, border: Int = 50, barWidthPercent: Double = 0.8, keyLeftPadding: Int = 20, keyTopPadding: Int = 50, keyWidth: Int = 80, title: Option[String] = scala.None, normalFontName: String = "Courier New", normalFontSize: Int = 12, titleFontName: String = "Palatino", titleFontSize: Int = 20, xAxis: Y, xAxisLabel: Option[String] = scala.None, yAxisLabel: Option[String] = scala.None, refresher: Option[((Map[(G, S), Y]) ⇒ Map[(G, S), Y], quanta.Time.Q)] = scala.None)(implicit evidence$1: Plottable[Y]) extends Product with Serializable

  4. class BarChartComponent[G, S, Y] extends JPanel with Fed

  5. class BarChartView[G, S, Y] extends AnyRef

  6. class DataFeedActor[T] extends Actor with ActorLogging

  7. trait Fed extends AnyRef

  8. class FrameRepaintingActor extends Actor with ActorLogging

  9. class JungDirectedGraphVisualization extends AnyRef

  10. class JungUndirectedGraphVisualization extends AnyRef

  11. trait KMeansVisualizationModule extends AnyRef

  12. trait Paintable extends AnyRef

  13. case class Plot[X, Y](initialValue: List[(String, TreeMap[X, Y])], connect: Boolean = true, drawKey: Boolean = true, width: Int = 700, height: Int = 600, border: Int = 50, pointDiameter: Int = 4, keyLeftPadding: Int = 20, keyTopPadding: Int = 50, keyWidth: Int = 80, fontName: String = "Courier New", fontSize: Int = 12, titleFontName: String = "Palatino", titleFontSize: Int = 20, colors: Seq[Color] = ..., title: Option[String] = scala.None, xAxis: Y, xAxisLabel: Option[String] = scala.None, yAxis: X, yAxisLabel: Option[String] = scala.None, refresher: Option[((List[(String, TreeMap[X, Y])]) ⇒ List[(String, TreeMap[X, Y])], quanta.Time.Q)] = scala.None)(implicit evidence$1: Plottable[X], evidence$2: Plottable[Y]) extends Product with Serializable

  14. class PlotComponent[X, Y] extends JPanel with Fed

  15. class PlotView[X, Y] extends AnyRef

  16. trait Plottable[T] extends Ordering[T] with Portionable[T]

  17. case class Point2D[X, Y](x: X, y: Y) extends Product with Serializable

  18. case class ScaledArea2D[X, Y](width: Int, height: Int, pad: Int, minX: X, maxX: X, minY: Y, maxY: Y)(implicit evidence$1: Portionable[X], evidence$2: Portionable[Y]) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object DataFeedProtocol

  2. object FrameProtocol

  3. object KMeansVisualizationModule extends KMeansVisualizationModule

  4. object Plottable extends Serializable

  5. def bmp(component: Component, filename: String): Unit

  6. def component2file(component: Component, filename: String, encoding: String): Unit



    encoding: PNG, JPEG, gif, BMP

  7. package element

  8. implicit def enComponentBarChart[X, S, Y](barChart: BarChart[X, S, Y])(implicit arg0: Plottable[Y]): Component

  9. implicit def enComponentBayesianNetwork(bn: pgm.BayesianNetworkModule.BayesianNetwork): Component

  10. implicit def enComponentDirectedGraph[VP, EP](dg: DirectedGraph[VP, EP])(implicit arg0: Manifest[VP]): Component

  11. implicit def enComponentKMeansClassifier[T](classifier: ml.KMeansModule.KMeansClassifier[T]): Component

  12. implicit def enComponentPlot[X, Y](plot: Plot[X, Y])(implicit arg0: Plottable[X], arg1: Plottable[Y]): Component

  13. implicit def enComponentUndirectedGraph[VP, EP](ug: UndirectedGraph[VP, EP])(implicit arg0: Manifest[VP]): Component

  14. def gif(component: Component, filename: String): Unit

  15. def jpeg(component: Component, filename: String): Unit

  16. def newFrame(width: Int, height: Int, dataFeedActorOpt: Option[ActorRef]): AxleFrame

  17. def png(component: Component, filename: String): Unit

  18. def show(component: Component): Unit

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
