



package ast

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ast
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class /(parent: Path, name: String) extends Path with Product with Serializable

  2. sealed trait AdditionalContent extends Navigatable


    Content within the document tree that is neither titled nor positional.

    Content within the document tree that is neither titled nor positional. These are usually helper documents that do not show up in the main navigation for the document tree.

  3. case class AutonumberLabel(label: String) extends FootnoteLabel with Product with Serializable


    Label using automatic numbering and explicit label names together.

  4. trait Block extends Element with Customizable


    The base type for all block level elements.

  5. trait BlockContainer[Self <: BlockContainer[Self]] extends Element with ElementContainer[Block, Self]


    A container of other Block elements.

    A container of other Block elements. Such a container is usually also a Block itself.

  6. trait BlockResolver extends Element with Block


    Represents a placeholder block element that needs to be resolved in a rewrite step.

    Represents a placeholder block element that needs to be resolved in a rewrite step. Useful for elements that need access to the document, structure, title or configuration before being fully resolved.

  7. case class BlockSequence(content: Seq[Block], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with BlockContainer[BlockSequence] with Product with Serializable


    A generic container element containing a list of blocks.

    A generic container element containing a list of blocks. Can be used where a sequence of blocks must be inserted in a place where a single element is required by the API. Usually renderers do not treat the container as a special element and render its children as s sub flow of the parent container.

  8. trait BulletFormat extends AnyRef


    The format of a bullet list item.

  9. case class BulletList(content: Seq[ListItem], format: BulletFormat, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with ListContainer[BulletList] with Product with Serializable


    A bullet list that may contain nested lists.

  10. case class BulletListItem(content: Seq[Block], format: BulletFormat, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with ListItem with BlockContainer[BulletListItem] with Product with Serializable


    A single bullet list item consisting of one or more block elements.

  11. case class Caption(content: Seq[Span] = Nil, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with TableElement with SpanContainer[Caption] with Product with Serializable


    The table caption.

  12. case class Cell(cellType: CellType, content: Seq[Block], colspan: Int = 1, rowspan: Int = 1, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with TableElement with BlockContainer[Cell] with Product with Serializable


    A single cell, potentially spanning multiple rows or columns, containing one or more block elements.

  13. sealed abstract class CellType extends AnyRef


    The cell type specifies which part of the table the cell belongs to.

  14. case class Citation(label: String, content: Seq[Block], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with LinkTarget with BlockContainer[Footnote] with Product with Serializable


    A citation that can be referred to by a CitationLink by id.

  15. case class CitationLink(ref: String, label: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Link with Product with Serializable


    A resolved link to a citation.

  16. case class CitationReference(label: String, source: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Reference with Product with Serializable


    A reference to a citation with a matching label.

    A reference to a citation with a matching label. Only part of the raw document tree and then removed by the rewrite rule that resolves link and image references.

  17. case class Code(language: String, content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with SpanContainer[Code] with Product with Serializable


    A span of program code.

    A span of program code. The content is a sequence of spans to support the later integration of syntax highlighting systems. Without this support the sequence will only consist of a single Text element.

  18. case class CodeBlock(language: String, content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with SpanContainer[CodeBlock] with Product with Serializable


    A block of program code.

    A block of program code. The content is a sequence of spans to support the later integration of syntax highlighting systems. Without this support the sequence will only consist of a single Text element.

  19. case class Column(options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with TableElement with Product with Serializable


    The options (like styles) for a column table.

  20. case class Columns(content: Seq[Column], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with TableElement with TableContainer[Columns] with Product with Serializable


    Contains the (optional) column specification of a table.

  21. case class Comment(content: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with TextContainer with Product with Serializable


    A comment that may be omitted by renderers.

  22. case class ConfigValue(name: String, value: AnyRef, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with Span with Temporary with Product with Serializable


    A single configuration value to be merged with the top document config.

    A single configuration value to be merged with the top document config. The value can be any type allowed by the Typesafe Config library (i.e. Boolean, Number, String, Map, Iterable).

  23. trait Container[+T] extends Element


    A generic container.

    A generic container. Usually not mixed in directly, instead one of the sub-traits TextContainer, ListContainer, SpanContainer or BlockContainer should be used.

  24. abstract class ContextReference[T <: Span] extends Element with SpanResolver


    Represents a reference to a value from the context of the current document.

    Represents a reference to a value from the context of the current document. The ref attribute is a simple path expression in dot notation for accessing properties of an object (or keys of a Map).

    The root elements accessible to such a reference are:

    • document: the current document with all of its public properties
    • parent: the parent tree of the current document
    • root: the root tree
    • config: all configuration values for the current document, including those inherited from parent trees
  25. case class CrossLink(content: Seq[Span], ref: String, path: PathInfo, title: Option[String] = None, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Link with SpanContainer[CrossLink] with Product with Serializable


    A link element pointing to a location in a different document, with the span content representing the text (description) of the link.

  26. trait Cursor extends AnyRef


    A cursor provides the necessary context during a rewrite operation.

    A cursor provides the necessary context during a rewrite operation. The stateless document tree cannot provide access to parent or sibling nodes in the tree, therefore a temporary cursor instance is created during a rewrite operation for this purpose.

  27. trait Customizable extends Element


    An element that can be customized.

    An element that can be customized. Represents options that are usually only used on few selected nodes and can control subtle differences often only relevant for renderers.

  28. case class DecoratedHeader(decoration: HeaderDecoration, content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with Temporary with SpanContainer[DecoratedHeader] with Product with Serializable


    A decorated header where the level gets determined in the rewrite phase based on the decoration used and the order they appear in the document.

    A decorated header where the level gets determined in the rewrite phase based on the decoration used and the order they appear in the document. The first decoration type encountered is used for level 1, the second for level 2, and so on.

  29. trait Definition extends Element with Block with Temporary


    Represents a definition that can be used to resolve references.

    Represents a definition that can be used to resolve references.

    Only part of the raw document tree and then removed or replaced by a rewrite rule before rendering.

  30. case class DefinitionList(content: Seq[DefinitionListItem], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with ListContainer[DefinitionList] with Product with Serializable


    A list of terms and their definitions.

    A list of terms and their definitions. Not related to the Definition base trait.

  31. case class DefinitionListItem(term: Seq[Span], content: Seq[Block], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with ListItem with BlockContainer[DefinitionListItem] with Product with Serializable


    A single definition item, containing the term and definition (as the content property).

  32. case class Deleted(content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with SpanContainer[Deleted] with Product with Serializable


    A span representing deleted inline elements that may contain nested spans.

  33. case class Document(path: Path, content: RootElement, fragments: Map[String, Element] = Map.empty, config: Config = ConfigFactory.empty, position: TreePosition = TreePosition(Seq())) extends DocumentStructure with TreeContent with Product with Serializable


    Represents a single document and provides access to the document content and structure as well as hooks for triggering rewrite operations.

    Represents a single document and provides access to the document content and structure as well as hooks for triggering rewrite operations.


    the full, absolute path of this document in the (virtual) document tree


    the tree model obtained from parsing the markup document


    separate named fragments that had been extracted from the content


    the configuration for this document


    the position of this document inside a document tree hierarchy, expressed as a list of Ints

  34. case class DocumentCursor(target: Document, parent: TreeCursor, resolver: ReferenceResolver, config: Config, position: TreePosition) extends Cursor with Product with Serializable


    Cursor for a single document, its parent and root directories, its associated template and other context information that is required during a rewrite operation.

    Cursor for a single document, its parent and root directories, its associated template and other context information that is required during a rewrite operation.


    the document this cursor points to


    the parent document tree of the referred document


    the resolver for references in templates


    the configuration associated with the target document


    the position of the target document inside a tree hierarchy

  35. case class DocumentFragment(name: String, root: Element, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with Temporary with Product with Serializable


    A named document fragment that usually gets rendered separately from the main root element

  36. trait DocumentStructure extends AnyRef


    The structure of a markup document.

  37. case class DocumentTree(path: Path, content: Seq[TreeContent], templates: Seq[TemplateDocument] = Nil, styles: Map[String, StyleDeclarationSet] = ..., additionalContent: Seq[AdditionalContent] = Nil, config: Config = ConfigFactory.empty, position: TreePosition = TreePosition.root, sourcePaths: Seq[String] = Nil) extends TreeStructure with TreeContent with Product with Serializable


    Represents a tree with all its documents and subtrees.

    Represents a tree with all its documents and subtrees.


    the full, absolute path of this (virtual) document tree


    the markup documents and subtrees


    all templates on this level of the tree hierarchy that might get applied to a document when it gets rendered


    the styles to apply when rendering this tree


    all dynamic or static documents that are not part of the main navigatable content of the tree


    the configuration associated with this tree


    the position of this tree inside a document ast hierarchy, expressed as a list of Ints


    the paths this document tree has been built from or an empty list if this ast does not originate from the file system

  38. sealed abstract class DocumentType extends AnyRef


    Base type for all document type descriptors.

  39. case class DynamicDocument(path: Path, content: RootElement) extends AdditionalContent with Product with Serializable


    A dynamic document that has been obtained from a template not associated with any markup document.

  40. abstract class Element extends Product


    The base class for all Elements forming the document tree.

    The base class for all Elements forming the document tree. Usually not extended directly, instead either Span or Block should be picked as the base type for new element types.

  41. trait ElementContainer[+E <: Element, Self <: ElementContainer[E, Self]] extends Element with Container[Seq[E]] with ElementTraversal[Self]


    A generic container of other elements.

    A generic container of other elements. Provides means to traverse, select and rewrite children of this container.

    Usually not mixed in directly, instead one of the sub-traits ListContainer, SpanContainer or BlockContainer should be used.

  42. trait ElementTraversal[Self <: Element with ElementTraversal[Self]] extends AnyRef


    Provides means to traverse, select and rewrite elements of a document tree.

    Provides means to traverse, select and rewrite elements of a document tree. This trait can get mixed in by any element node, not just the root Document class, therefore providing traversal for any kind of sub-tree, too.

  43. case class EmbeddedRoot(content: Seq[Block], indent: Int = 0, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with TemplateSpan with BlockContainer[EmbeddedRoot] with Product with Serializable


    The root element of a document tree (originating from text markup) inside a template.

    The root element of a document tree (originating from text markup) inside a template. Usually created by a template reference like {{document.content}}.

  44. case class Emphasized(content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with SpanContainer[Emphasized] with Product with Serializable


    A span of emphasized inline elements that may contain nested spans.

  45. case class EnumFormat(enumType: EnumType = EnumType.Arabic, prefix: String = "", suffix: String = ".") extends Product with Serializable


    The format of enumerated list items.

  46. case class EnumList(content: Seq[ListItem], format: EnumFormat, start: Int = 1, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with ListContainer[EnumList] with Product with Serializable


    An enumerated list that may contain nested lists.

  47. case class EnumListItem(content: Seq[Block], format: EnumFormat, position: Int, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with ListItem with BlockContainer[EnumListItem] with Product with Serializable


    A single enum list item consisting of one or more block elements.

  48. sealed abstract class EnumType extends AnyRef


    Represents the type of an ordered list.

  49. case class ExternalLink(content: Seq[Span], url: String, title: Option[String] = None, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Link with SpanContainer[ExternalLink] with Product with Serializable


    An external link element, with the span content representing the text (description) of the link.

  50. case class ExternalLinkDefinition(id: String, url: String, title: Option[String] = None, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Definition with Span with Product with Serializable


    An external link target, usually only part of the raw document tree and then removed by the rewrite rule that resolves link and image references.

  51. trait Fallback extends AnyRef


    Provides a fallback for elements the renderer does not know how to deal with.

  52. case class Figure(image: Span, caption: Seq[Span], content: Seq[Block], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with BlockContainer[Figure] with Product with Serializable


    A figure consists of an image, an optional caption, and an optional legend as the content property.

    A figure consists of an image, an optional caption, and an optional legend as the content property. The image property is of type Span as the image might be wrapped inside a link reference.

  53. case class Footnote(label: String, content: Seq[Block], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with LinkTarget with BlockContainer[Footnote] with Product with Serializable


    A footnote with resolved id and label that can be referred to by a FootnoteLink by id.

  54. case class FootnoteDefinition(label: FootnoteLabel, content: Seq[Block], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Definition with BlockContainer[Footnote] with Product with Serializable


    A footnote definition that needs to be resolved to a final footnote by a rewrite rule based on the label type.

  55. abstract class FootnoteLabel extends AnyRef


    Base type for all types of footnote labels.

  56. case class FootnoteLink(ref: String, label: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Link with Product with Serializable


    A resolved link to a footnote.

  57. case class FootnoteReference(label: FootnoteLabel, source: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Reference with Product with Serializable


    A reference to a footnote with a matching label.

    A reference to a footnote with a matching label. Only part of the raw document tree and then removed by the rewrite rule that resolves link and image references.

  58. case class ForcedParagraph(content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with SpanContainer[ForcedParagraph] with Fallback with Product with Serializable


    A special type of paragraph that serves as a render hint.

    A special type of paragraph that serves as a render hint. Some renderers simplify the rendering of block elements containing only a single paragraph and render the span content inline (e.g. a <li> tag without a nested <p> tag for the paragraph). Using this element as mandated by some edge cases in both the Markdown and reStructuredText markup definitions prevents this.

  59. case class Header(level: Int, content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with SpanContainer[Header] with Product with Serializable


    A header element with a level, with 1 being the top level of the document.

  60. trait HeaderDecoration extends AnyRef


    Represents the decoration of a header.

    Represents the decoration of a header. Concrete implementations need to be provided by the parser.

  61. case class Image(text: String, uri: URI, width: Option[Size] = None, height: Option[Size] = None, title: Option[String] = None, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Link with Product with Serializable


    An inline image with a text description and optional title.

  62. case class ImageReference(text: String, id: String, source: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Reference with Product with Serializable


    An image reference, the id pointing to the id of a LinkTarget.

    An image reference, the id pointing to the id of a LinkTarget. Only part of the raw document tree and then removed by the rewrite rule that resolves link and image references.

  63. case class Inserted(content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with SpanContainer[Inserted] with Product with Serializable


    A span representing inserted inline elements that may contain nested spans.

  64. case class InternalLink(content: Seq[Span], ref: String, title: Option[String] = None, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Link with SpanContainer[InternalLink] with Product with Serializable


    An internal link element, with the span content representing the text (description) of the link.

  65. case class InternalLinkTarget(options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with Span with LinkTarget with Product with Serializable


    Points to the following block or span element, making it a target for links.

  66. trait Invalid[+E <: Element] extends Element


    Represents an invalid element.

    Represents an invalid element. Renderers can choose to either render the fallback or the system message or both.

  67. case class InvalidBlock(message: SystemMessage, fallback: Block, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with Invalid[Block] with Product with Serializable


    Groups a block that could not be successfully parsed with a system message.

    Groups a block that could not be successfully parsed with a system message. Renderers may then choose to just render the fallback, the message or both.

  68. case class InvalidElement(message: SystemMessage, source: String) extends Element with Product with Serializable


    Represents an invalid element in any position, block, span or template.

    Represents an invalid element in any position, block, span or template. Provides convenience converters to produce instances for any of these three positions.

  69. case class InvalidSpan(message: SystemMessage, fallback: Span, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with Invalid[Span] with Product with Serializable


    Groups a span that could not be successfully parsed with a system message.

    Groups a span that could not be successfully parsed with a system message. Renderers may then choose to just render the fallback, the message or both.

  70. case class Line(content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends LineBlockItem with SpanContainer[Line] with Product with Serializable


    A single line inside a line block.

  71. case class LineBlock(content: Seq[LineBlockItem], options: Options = NoOpt) extends LineBlockItem with BlockContainer[LineBlock] with Product with Serializable


    A block containing lines which preserve line breaks and optionally nested line blocks.

  72. abstract class LineBlockItem extends Element with Block


    A single item inside a line block.

  73. case class LineBreak(options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with Product with Serializable


    An explicit hard line break.

  74. trait Link extends Element with Span


    The base type for all link elements.

    The base type for all link elements.

    In contrast to the reference type, it is only mixed in by elements representing resolved links that can be dealt with by renderers.

  75. case class LinkAlias(id: String, target: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Definition with Span with Product with Serializable


    A link target pointing to another link target, acting like an alias.

  76. case class LinkReference(content: Seq[Span], id: String, source: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Reference with SpanContainer[LinkReference] with Product with Serializable


    A link reference, the id pointing to the id of a LinkTarget.

    A link reference, the id pointing to the id of a LinkTarget. Only part of the raw document tree and then removed by the rewrite rule that resolves link and image references.

  77. trait LinkTarget extends Element with Customizable


    The base type for all link targets.

    The base type for all link targets. The id has to be unique for the whole document across all types of LinkTarget implementations.

  78. trait ListContainer[Self <: ListContainer[Self]] extends Element with ElementContainer[ListItem, Self]


    A container of list items.

    A container of list items. Such a container is usually a Block itself.

  79. trait ListItem extends Element with Customizable


    The base type for all list items.

  80. case class Literal(content: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with TextContainer with Product with Serializable


    A span containing plain, unparsed text.

  81. case class LiteralBlock(content: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with TextContainer with Product with Serializable


    A literal block with unparsed text content.

  82. case class MarkupContextReference(ref: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends ContextReference[Span] with Product with Serializable


    A context reference specifically for use in markup documents.

  83. sealed abstract class MessageLevel extends Ordered[MessageLevel]


    Signals the severity of a system message.

  84. trait Navigatable extends AnyRef


    A navigatable object is anything that has an associated path.

  85. case class NumericLabel(number: Int) extends FootnoteLabel with Product with Serializable


    Explicit numeric label.

  86. sealed abstract class Options extends AnyRef


    Options for customizable elements.

  87. case class PageBreak(options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with Product with Serializable


    An explicit hard page break.

  88. case class Paragraph(content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with SpanContainer[Paragraph] with Product with Serializable


    A paragraph consisting of span elements.

  89. case class ParentSelector(selector: StyleSelector, immediate: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable


    Represents a parent selector and indicates whether it is an immediate parent or an ancestor anywhere in the hierarchy.

  90. case class ParsedLiteralBlock(content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with SpanContainer[ParsedLiteralBlock] with Product with Serializable


    A literal block with parsed text content.

  91. sealed abstract class Path extends AnyRef


    Represents a path inside a virtual tree of documents.

  92. case class PathInfo(absolute: Path, relative: Path) extends Product with Serializable


    Represents a single path in absolute and relative form.

  93. case class QuotedBlock(content: Seq[Block], attribution: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with BlockContainer[QuotedBlock] with Product with Serializable


    A quoted block consisting of a list of blocks that may contain other nested quoted blocks and an attribution which may be empty.

  94. case class RawContent(formats: Seq[String], content: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with Span with TextContainer with Product with Serializable


    Raw content that is usually specific to the specified output formats.

    Raw content that is usually specific to the specified output formats. Can be used as both block and inline element. If supported by a parser it usually has to be explicitly enabled due to security concerns.

  95. trait Reference extends Element with Span with Temporary


    The base type for all reference elements.

    The base type for all reference elements.

    A reference points to some other node in the document tree and needs to be resolved and replaced by a rewrite rule before rendering. Therefore none of the available renderers include logic for dealing with references.

  96. type RenderFunction = PartialFunction[Element, Unit]


    Specifies a custom render function that may override the rendered output for one or more node types.

    Specifies a custom render function that may override the rendered output for one or more node types. For elements this function is not defined the renderer will fall back to the default renderer (or the next custom renderer, in case there are multiple).

  97. case class Reverse(length: Int, target: Span, fallback: Span, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with Product with Serializable

  98. type RewriteRule = PartialFunction[Element, Option[Element]]


    Specifies how a particular element, document or document tree should be rewritten.

    Specifies how a particular element, document or document tree should be rewritten.

    If the rule is not defined for a specific element the old element remains in the tree unchanged. If it returns None then the node gets removed from the ast, if it returns an element it will replace the old one. Of course the function may also return the old element.

  99. case class RootElement(content: Seq[Block]) extends Element with BlockContainer[RootElement] with Product with Serializable


    The root element of a document tree.

  100. case class Row(content: Seq[Cell], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with TableElement with TableContainer[Row] with Product with Serializable


    A single table row.

    A single table row. In case some of the previous rows contain cells with a colspan greater than 1, this row may contain fewer cells than the number of columns in the table.

  101. case class Rule(options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with Product with Serializable


    A horizontal rule.

  102. case class Section(header: Header, content: Seq[Block], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with BlockContainer[Section] with Product with Serializable


    A section of the document, consisting of a header and content in the form of a list of Block elements.

    A section of the document, consisting of a header and content in the form of a list of Block elements. Sections may be nested inside other sections, they are arranged in a hierarchy based on the level of their header element.

  103. case class SectionInfo(id: String, title: TitleInfo, content: Seq[SectionInfo]) extends Element with ElementContainer[SectionInfo, SectionInfo] with Product with Serializable


    Captures information about a document section, without its content.

  104. case class SectionNumber(position: Seq[Int], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with TextContainer with Product with Serializable


    Represents a section number, usually used in header elements when autonumbering is applied.

  105. case class Size(amount: Double, unit: String) extends Product with Serializable


    Encapsulates size information with a unit.

  106. case class SomeOpt(id: Option[String] = None, styles: Set[String] = Set()) extends Options with Product with Serializable


    Options implementation for non-empty instances.

    Options implementation for non-empty instances.

    For creating new instances it is usually more convenient to use the various factory objects. Example for creating an instance with an id and two styles applied:

    val options = Id("myId") + Styles("style1","style2")

    Likewise it is also often more convenient to use the corresponding extractors for pattern matching.

  107. trait Span extends Element with Customizable


    The base type for all inline elements.

  108. trait SpanContainer[Self <: SpanContainer[Self]] extends Element with ElementContainer[Span, Self]


    A container of other Span elements.

    A container of other Span elements. Such a container may be a Block or a Span itself.

  109. trait SpanResolver extends Element with Span


    Represents a placeholder inline element that needs to be resolved in a rewrite step.

    Represents a placeholder inline element that needs to be resolved in a rewrite step. Useful for elements that need access to the document, structure, title or configuration before being fully resolved.

  110. case class SpanSequence(content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with Span with SpanContainer[SpanSequence] with Product with Serializable


    A generic container element containing a list of spans.

    A generic container element containing a list of spans. Can be used where a sequence of spans must be inserted in a place where a single element is required by the API. Usually renderers do not treat the container as a special element and render its children as s sub flow of the parent container. A span sequence is special in that in can be used as both a span and a block.

  111. case class Specificity(ids: Int, classes: Int, types: Int, order: Int) extends Ordered[Specificity] with Product with Serializable


    Represents the specificity of a style selector or predicate.

    Represents the specificity of a style selector or predicate. This is modeled after the precedence rules of the CSS standard.

  112. case class StaticDocument(input: Input) extends AdditionalContent with Product with Serializable


    A static document that might get copied to the target document tree as is.

  113. case class StringBullet(bullet: String) extends BulletFormat with Product with Serializable


    Bullet format based on a simple string.

  114. case class Strong(content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with SpanContainer[Strong] with Product with Serializable


    A span of strong inline elements that may contain nested spans.

  115. case class StyleDeclaration(selector: StyleSelector, styles: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable


    Represents a single style declaration.

    Represents a single style declaration.


    the selector to determine which elements this declaration applies to


    the styles themselves in a map representing the names and values of each style

  116. case class StyleDeclarationSet(paths: Set[Path], styles: Set[StyleDeclaration]) extends Product with Serializable


    Represents a set of one or more style declarations.

    Represents a set of one or more style declarations.


    the paths the style declarations have been obtained from


    the style declarations that belong to this set

  117. sealed trait StylePredicate extends AnyRef


    Represents a single predicate which is part of the selector for a style declaration.

  118. case class StyleSelector(predicates: Set[StylePredicate] = Set(), parent: Option[ParentSelector] = None, order: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable


    Responsible for determining whether a style declaration should be applied to a target element, basing its decision on a set of predicates.

    Responsible for determining whether a style declaration should be applied to a target element, basing its decision on a set of predicates.


    the set of predicates that need to hold for this selector to be applicable to a target element


    the optional parent selector


    the index of the style declaration this selector belongs to

  119. case class SystemMessage(level: MessageLevel, content: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with Block with TextContainer with Product with Serializable


    Message generated by the parser, usually to signal potential parsing problems.

    Message generated by the parser, usually to signal potential parsing problems. They usually get inserted immediately after the block or span that caused the problem. It mixes in both the Span and Block trait so that it can appear in sequences of both types. By default messages are ignored by most renderers (apart from AST), but they can be explicitly activated for a particular level.

  120. case class Table(head: TableHead, body: TableBody, caption: Caption = Caption(), columns: Columns = Columns(Nil), options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with ElementTraversal[Table] with Product with Serializable


    A table consisting of a head and a body part and optional caption and column specification.

  121. case class TableBody(content: Seq[Row], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with TableElement with TableContainer[TableBody] with Product with Serializable


    Contains the body rows of a table.

  122. trait TableContainer[Self <: TableContainer[Self]] extends Element with TableElement with ElementContainer[TableElement, Self]


    A container of table elements.

  123. trait TableElement extends Element with Customizable


    A table element, like a row, cell or column.

  124. case class TableHead(content: Seq[Row], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with TableElement with TableContainer[TableHead] with Product with Serializable


    Contains the header rows of a table.

  125. case class TargetFormat(format: String, element: Element, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with Product with Serializable


    An element that only gets rendered for a specific output format.

  126. case class TemplateContextReference(ref: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends ContextReference[TemplateSpan] with TemplateSpan with Product with Serializable


    A context reference specifically for use in template documents.

  127. case class TemplateDocument(path: Path, content: TemplateRoot, config: Config = ConfigFactory.empty) extends AdditionalContent with Product with Serializable


    A template document containing the element tree of a parsed template and its extracted configuration section (if present).

  128. case class TemplateElement(element: Element, indent: Int = 0, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with TemplateSpan with ElementTraversal[TemplateElement] with Product with Serializable


    Wraps a generic element that otherwise could not be placed directly into a template document tree.

    Wraps a generic element that otherwise could not be placed directly into a template document tree. Useful when custom tags which are placed inside a template produce non-template tree elements.

  129. case class TemplateRoot(content: Seq[TemplateSpan], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with SpanContainer[TemplateRoot] with Product with Serializable


    The root element of a template document tree.

  130. trait TemplateSpan extends Element with Span


    The base type for all inline elements that can be found in a template.

  131. case class TemplateSpanSequence(content: Seq[TemplateSpan], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with TemplateSpan with SpanContainer[TemplateSpanSequence] with Product with Serializable


    A generic container element containing a list of template spans.

    A generic container element containing a list of template spans. Can be used where a sequence of spans must be inserted in a place where a single element is required by the API. Usually renderers do not treat the container as a special element and render its children as s sub flow of the parent container.

  132. case class TemplateString(content: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with TemplateSpan with TextContainer with Product with Serializable


    A simple string element, representing the parts of a template that are not detected as special markup constructs and treated as raw text.

  133. trait Temporary extends Element


    Represents a temporary element only present in the raw document tree and then removed or replaced by a rewrite rule before rendering.

  134. case class Text(content: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Span with TextContainer with Product with Serializable


    A simple text element.

  135. trait TextContainer extends Element with Container[String]


    A container for plain text.

  136. case class Title(content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with SpanContainer[Title] with Product with Serializable


    The (optional) title of the document.

  137. case class TitleInfo(content: Seq[Span]) extends Element with SpanContainer[TitleInfo] with Product with Serializable


    Represents a section title.

  138. case class TitledBlock(title: Seq[Span], content: Seq[Block], options: Options = NoOpt) extends Element with Block with BlockContainer[TitledBlock] with Product with Serializable


    Generic block element with a title.

    Generic block element with a title. Often combined with the the styles attribute of the options parameter to provide additional render hints.

  139. sealed trait TreeContent extends Navigatable


    A titled, positional element in the document tree.

  140. case class TreeCursor(target: DocumentTree, parent: Option[TreeCursor], config: Config, position: TreePosition) extends Cursor with Product with Serializable


    Cursor for an entire document tree, providing access to all child cursors of this tree and allowing to trigger rewrite operations.

    Cursor for an entire document tree, providing access to all child cursors of this tree and allowing to trigger rewrite operations.


    the document tree this cursor points to


    the parent of this tree or None if this is the root


    the configuration associated with this tree


    the position of this tree within the document tree

  141. case class TreePosition(toSeq: Seq[Int]) extends Ordered[TreePosition] with Product with Serializable


    The position of an element within a document tree.

    The position of an element within a document tree.


    the positions (one-based) of each nesting level of this position (an empty sequence for the root position)

  142. trait TreeStructure extends AnyRef


    The structure of a document tree.

  143. case class URI(uri: String, localRef: Option[PathInfo] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Represents a URI which might also optionally be expressed as a local reference within the processed tree.

  144. case class ~[+A, +B](_1: A, _2: B) extends Product with Serializable


    A wrapper for two result values.

Value Members

  1. object Autonumber extends FootnoteLabel with Product with Serializable


    Label with automatic numbering.

  2. object Autosymbol extends FootnoteLabel with Product with Serializable


    Label with automatic symbol assignment.

  3. object BodyCell extends CellType with Product with Serializable


    A cell in the body part of the table.

  4. object Columns extends Serializable


    Convenient factory for creating a Columns instance based on the options for the individual columns.

  5. object DocumentCursor extends Serializable

  6. object DocumentType


    Provides all available DocumentTypes.

  7. object EnumType


    Enumeration of supported enum types.

  8. object HeadCell extends CellType with Product with Serializable


    A cell in the head part of the table.

  9. object Id


    Factory and extractor for an Options instance with an id.

  10. object InvalidElement extends Serializable


    Companion for InvalidElement.

  11. object MessageLevel


    Enumeration of available message levels.

  12. object NoOpt extends Options with Product with Serializable


    Empty Options implementation.

  13. object Options


    Companion for the Options trait.

  14. object Path


    Factory methods for creating path instances.

  15. object PathInfo extends Serializable

  16. object RomanNumerals


    Converts Roman numerals to integers and vice versa.

    Converts Roman numerals to integers and vice versa. Since there never have been universally accepted rules for Roman numerals, the conversion functions do not apply strict error checking, so some unusual or illegal constructs may be supported, too. They do not prevent using the same symbol more than three times in a row for example.

  17. object StyleDeclaration extends (StyleSelector, Map[String, String]) ⇒ StyleDeclaration with Serializable


    Companion providing factory methods for the StyleDeclaration class.

  18. object StyleDeclarationSet extends (Set[Path], Set[StyleDeclaration]) ⇒ StyleDeclarationSet with Serializable


    Companion providing factory methods for the StyleDeclaration class.

  19. object StylePredicate


    Contains the available predicate types.

    Contains the available predicate types.

    The available selector types represent a subset of the full CSS standard, picking those features which are reasonably suited in the context of the Laika document model. It includes type, class and id selectors, but no attribute selectors as most Laika tree elements primarily contain a sequence of children and not many other properties to match against.

    It also supports the CSS syntax to declare selectors for child elements (e.g. Paragraph .intro) or immediate children (e.g. Paragraph > .intro).

  20. object Styles


    Factory and extractor for an Options instance with style names.

  21. object TemplateRoot extends Serializable


    Companion with a fallback instance for setups without a default template

  22. object TreeCursor extends Serializable

  23. object TreePosition extends Serializable


Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
