
case class RenderedTreeRoot[F[_]](tree: RenderedTree, defaultTemplate: TemplateRoot, config: Config, styles: StyleDeclarationSet, coverDocument: Option[RenderedDocument], staticDocuments: Seq[BinaryInput[F]])

Represents the root of a tree of rendered documents. In addition to the recursive structure of documents it holds additional items like static or cover documents, which may contribute to the output of a site or an e-book.

Value Params

the root configuration of the rendered tree


the cover document (usually used with e-book formats like EPUB and PDF)


the default template configured for the output format, which may be used by a post-processor


the paths of documents that were neither identified as text markup, config or templates, and will potentially be embedded or copied as is to the final output, depending on the output format


the recursive structure of documents, usually obtained from parsing text markup

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from

Concrete fields

All documents contained in this tree, fetched recursively, depth-first.

All documents contained in this tree, fetched recursively, depth-first.

val title: Option[SpanSequence]

The title of the tree, either obtained from the title document or configuration

The title of the tree, either obtained from the title document or configuration

The optional title document of the tree.

The optional title document of the tree.