
Type members


case class BookConfig(metadata: DocumentMetadata, navigationDepth: Option[Int], fonts: Seq[FontDefinition], coverImage: Option[Path])

Captures common configuration element of e-books, used by both EPUB and PDF renderers.

Captures common configuration element of e-books, used by both EPUB and PDF renderers.

Value Params

the path to the cover image within the virtual document tree


the fonts that should be embedded in the e-book output


metadata to be embedded in the document in a way that respective reader software can surface


the number of levels to provide navigation structure for

object BookConfig
sealed abstract class Color(val displayValue: String)

Represent a color value in a format compatible with CSS.

Represent a color value in a format compatible with CSS.

Use the constructors of the companion for creating instances.

object Color
sealed trait EmbeddedFont

Base trait for the types of embedded fonts Laika supports, which are either a file-system or classpath resource.

Base trait for the types of embedded fonts Laika supports, which are either a file-system or classpath resource.

case class EmbeddedFontFile(file: File) extends EmbeddedFont

Represent a font resource from the file system.

Represent a font resource from the file system.

case class EmbeddedFontResource(name: String) extends EmbeddedFont

Represent a font files as a classpath resource.

Represent a font files as a classpath resource.

case class Font

Represents a font resource, either based on a local classpath or file system resource, or a web font URL, or both.

Represents a font resource, either based on a local classpath or file system resource, or a web font URL, or both.

E-book formats like EPUB or PDF require a local font file to be available for embedding. A web font URL can only be used for website generation.

object Font

Companion for creating Font instances.

Companion for creating Font instances.

Operations can be chained, e.g. by calling Font.embedFile(...).webCSS(...) if both need to be provided. The final FontDefinition instance that can be used in Laika's and Helium's configuration can be obtained by calling definedAs in the end, where the font resource is mapped to a family name, font weight and style.

case class FontDefinition(resource: Font, family: String, weight: FontWeight, style: FontStyle)

Represent a full font definition, combining the font resource (file and/or web URL) plus the mapping to a family name, font weight and style.

Represent a full font definition, combining the font resource (file and/or web URL) plus the mapping to a family name, font weight and style.

When providing multiple different weights and styles for the same font, a separate FontDefinition instance needs to be built for each of them.

sealed abstract class FontStyle(val value: String)

Enumeration for the valid font styles that can be assigned to a font resource, compatible with CSS properties.

Enumeration for the valid font styles that can be assigned to a font resource, compatible with CSS properties.

object FontStyle

Enumeration for the valid font styles that can be assigned to a font resource, compatible with CSS properties.

Enumeration for the valid font styles that can be assigned to a font resource, compatible with CSS properties.

sealed abstract class FontWeight(val value: String)

Enumeration for the valid font weights that can be assigned to a font resource, compatible with CSS properties.

Enumeration for the valid font weights that can be assigned to a font resource, compatible with CSS properties.

object FontWeight

Enumeration for the valid font weights that can be assigned to a font resource, compatible with CSS properties.

Enumeration for the valid font weights that can be assigned to a font resource, compatible with CSS properties.
