

trait URIParsers extends MarkupParsers

Parses URIs as defined in RFC 3986 and email addresses as defined in RFC 6068, 5322 and 3986 with base types defined in RFC 2234.

Linear Supertypes
MarkupParsers, BaseParsers, RegexParsers, Parsers, AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. URIParsers
  2. MarkupParsers
  3. BaseParsers
  4. RegexParsers
  5. Parsers
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
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  2. Show all
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Type Members

  1. type Elem = Char

    Definition Classes
    RegexParsers → Parsers
  2. case class Error extends NoSuccess with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  3. case class Failure extends NoSuccess with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  4. type Input = Reader[Elem]

    Definition Classes
  5. class MarkupParserException extends RuntimeException

    Exception thrown when parsing a text markup document or fragment fails.

  6. sealed abstract class NoSuccess extends ParseResult[Nothing]

    Definition Classes
  7. trait OnceParser[+T] extends Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  8. sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T] extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  9. abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Input) ⇒ ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  10. class ParserOps[A] extends AnyRef

    Provides additional combinator methods to parsers via implicit conversion.

  11. case class Success[+T] extends ParseResult[T] with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  12. class TextParser extends Parser[String]

    API for specifying further constraints on the parsers provided by this base trait.

  13. case class ~[+a, +b] extends Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. object NoSuccess

    Definition Classes
  7. def OnceParser[T](f: (Input) ⇒ ParseResult[T]): Parser[T] with OnceParser[T]

    Definition Classes
  8. def Parser[T](f: (Input) ⇒ ParseResult[T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  9. def accept[U](expected: String, f: PartialFunction[Elem, U]): Parser[U]

    Definition Classes
  10. def accept[ES](es: ES)(implicit arg0: (ES) ⇒ List[Elem]): Parser[List[Elem]]

    Definition Classes
  11. implicit def accept(e: Elem): Parser[Elem]

    Definition Classes
  12. def acceptIf(p: (Elem) ⇒ Boolean)(err: (Elem) ⇒ String): Parser[Elem]

    Definition Classes
  13. def acceptMatch[U](expected: String, f: PartialFunction[Elem, U]): Parser[U]

    Definition Classes
  14. def acceptSeq[ES](es: ES)(implicit arg0: (ES) ⇒ Iterable[Elem]): Parser[List[Elem]]

    Definition Classes
  15. val addrSpec: Parser[String]

    Parses a single email address as defined in RFC 6068.

    Parses a single email address as defined in RFC 6068.

    addr-spec = local-part "@" domain
  16. val alpha: TextParser

    Parses letters according to RFC 2234.

    Parses letters according to RFC 2234.

    ALPHA =  %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z
  17. val any: TextParser

    Consumes any kind of input, always succeeds.

    Consumes any kind of input, always succeeds. This parser would consume the entire input unless a max constraint is specified.

    Definition Classes
  18. def anyBut(chars: Char*): TextParser

    Consumes any number of consecutive characters that are not one of the specified characters.

    Consumes any number of consecutive characters that are not one of the specified characters. Always succeeds unless a minimum number of required matches is specified.

    Definition Classes
  19. def anyIn(ranges: Traversable[Char]*): TextParser

    Consumes any number of consecutive characters that are in one of the specified character ranges.

    Consumes any number of consecutive characters that are in one of the specified character ranges. Always succeeds unless a minimum number of required matches is specified.

    Definition Classes
  20. def anyOf(chars: Char*): TextParser

    Consumes any number of consecutive occurrences of the specified characters.

    Consumes any number of consecutive occurrences of the specified characters. Always succeeds unless a minimum number of required matches is specified.

    Definition Classes
  21. def anyUntil(until: ⇒ Parser[Any]): TextParser

    Consumes any number of characters for which the specified parser fails on the corresponding offset.

    Consumes any number of characters for which the specified parser fails on the corresponding offset. This parser fails if the end of input is reached without the specified parser ever succeeding or if the parser causes an Error result instead of a plain Failure or Success. Further constraints like minimum or maximum number of required matching characters can be specified through the API of the returned TextParser instance.

    Definition Classes
  22. def anyUntil(chars: Char*): TextParser

    Consumes any number of consecutive characters that are not one of the specified characters.

    Consumes any number of consecutive characters that are not one of the specified characters.

    This parser is identical to the anyBut parser except for two differences: this parser fails if it reaches the end of the input without seeing any of the specified characters and it also consumes this final character, without adding it to the result. This parser is usually used when a construct like a span enclosed between two characters needs to be parsed.

    Definition Classes
  23. def anyWhile(p: (Char) ⇒ Boolean): TextParser

    Consumes any number of consecutive characters which satisfy the specified predicate.

    Consumes any number of consecutive characters which satisfy the specified predicate. Always succeeds unless a minimum number of required matches is specified.

    Definition Classes
  24. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  25. val atStart: Parser[Parser[Unit]]

    Succeeds at the start of the input.

    Succeeds at the start of the input.

    Definition Classes
  26. val authority: Parser[String]

    Parses the authority part of a URI as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses the authority part of a URI as defined in RFC 3986.

    authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]
  27. def chainl1[T, U](first: ⇒ Parser[T], p: ⇒ Parser[U], q: ⇒ Parser[(T, U) ⇒ T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  28. def chainl1[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T], q: ⇒ Parser[(T, T) ⇒ T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  29. def chainr1[T, U](p: ⇒ Parser[T], q: ⇒ Parser[(T, U) ⇒ U], combine: (T, U) ⇒ U, first: U): Parser[U]

    Definition Classes
  30. implicit def charToTraversalble(char: Char): Traversable[Char]

    Implicit conversion that allows to pass a single character to the range-based anyIn parser.

    Implicit conversion that allows to pass a single character to the range-based anyIn parser.

    Definition Classes
  31. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  32. def commit[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  33. val digit: TextParser

    Parses digits according to RFC 2234.

    Parses digits according to RFC 2234.

    DIGIT =  %x30-39; 0-9
  34. val domain: Parser[String]

    Parses the domain portion of an email address as defined in RFC 6068.

    Parses the domain portion of an email address as defined in RFC 6068.

    domain       = dot-atom-text / "[" *dtext-no-obs "]"
    dtext-no-obs = %d33-90 / ; Printable US-ASCII
                   %d94-126  ; characters not including
                             ; "[", "]", or "\"
  35. val dotAtomText: Parser[String]

    Parses a dot-atom-text sequence as defined in RFC 5322.

    Parses a dot-atom-text sequence as defined in RFC 5322.

    dot-atom-text   =   1*atext *("." 1*atext)
    atext           =   ALPHA / DIGIT /    ; Printable US-ASCII
                     "!" / "#" /        ;  characters not including
                     "$" / "%" /        ;  specials.  Used for atoms.
                     "&" / "'" /
                     "*" / "+" /
                     "-" / "/" /
                     "=" / "?" /
                     "^" / "_" /
                     "`" / "{" /
                     "|" / "}" /
  36. def elem(e: Elem): Parser[Elem]

    Definition Classes
  37. def elem(kind: String, p: (Elem) ⇒ Boolean): Parser[Elem]

    Definition Classes
  38. val emailAddress: Parser[String]

    Parses a mailto URI without the scheme part as defined in RFC 6068.

  39. val emailURI: Parser[String]

    Parses a full mailto URI as defined in RFC 6068.

    Parses a full mailto URI as defined in RFC 6068.

    mailtoURI = "mailto:" [ to ] [ hfields ]
  40. def eof: Parser[String]

    Succeeds at the end of the input.

    Succeeds at the end of the input.

    Definition Classes
  41. def eol: Parser[String]

    Succeeds at the end of a line, including the end of the input.

    Succeeds at the end of a line, including the end of the input. Produces an empty string as a result and consumes any new line characters.

    Definition Classes
  42. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  43. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  44. def err(msg: String): Parser[Nothing]

    Definition Classes
  45. def failure(msg: String): Parser[Nothing]

    Definition Classes
  46. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  47. def flatten(result: Any): String

    Flattens the result from various combinators, including the repX variants and ~ into a single string.

  48. val fragment: Parser[String]

    Parses the fragment part of a URI as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses the fragment part of a URI as defined in RFC 3986.

    fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
  49. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  50. def guard[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  51. def handleWhiteSpace(source: CharSequence, offset: Int): Int

    Definition Classes
  52. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  53. val hexdig: TextParser

    Parses a hexadecimal value according to RFC 2234.

    Parses a hexadecimal value according to RFC 2234.

    HEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"
  54. val hfields: Parser[String]

    Parses header fields of an email address as defined in RFC 6068.

    Parses header fields of an email address as defined in RFC 6068.

    hfields      = "?" hfield *( "&" hfield )
    hfield       = hfname "=" hfvalue
    hfname       = *qchar
    hfvalue      = *qchar
    qchar        = unreserved / pct-encoded / some-delims
    some-delims  = "!" / "$" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*"
                 / "+" / "," / ";" / ":" / "@"
  55. val hierPart: Parser[String]

    Parses the hierarchical part of a URI with an authority component as defined in RFC 3986, but only the variant including an authority component.

    Parses the hierarchical part of a URI with an authority component as defined in RFC 3986, but only the variant including an authority component.

    hier-part     = "//" authority path-abempty
    / path-absolute ; excluded
    / path-rootless ; excluded
    / path-empty    ; excluded
  56. val host: Parser[String]

    Parses a host as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses a host as defined in RFC 3986.

    host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
  57. val httpUri: Parser[String]

    Parses a full HTTP URI including the scheme part and an authority component as defined in RFC 3986.

  58. val httpUriNoScheme: Parser[String]

    Parses an HTTP or HTTPS URI with an authority component, but without the scheme part (therefore starting with "//") as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses an HTTP or HTTPS URI with an authority component, but without the scheme part (therefore starting with "//") as defined in RFC 3986.

    URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
  59. val httpsUri: Parser[String]

    Parses a full HTTPS URI including the scheme part and an authority component as defined in RFC 3986.

  60. val ipLiteral: Parser[String]

    Parses an ip literal as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses an ip literal as defined in RFC 3986.

    IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture  ) "]"
  61. val ipv4address: Parser[String]

    Parses an IPv4 address as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses an IPv4 address as defined in RFC 3986.

    IPv4address   = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet
    dec-octet     = DIGIT                 ; 0-9
                  / %x31-39 DIGIT         ; 10-99
                  / "1" 2DIGIT            ; 100-199
                  / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT     ; 200-249
                  / "25" %x30-35          ; 250-255

    The implementation has been simplified to parse a 3-digit number and check its value.

  62. val ipv6address: Parser[~[Product, Serializable]]

    Parses an IPv6 address as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses an IPv6 address as defined in RFC 3986.

    IPv6address  =                            6( h16 ":" ) ls32
                 /                       "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
                 / [               h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
                 / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
                 / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
                 / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"    h16 ":"   ls32
                 / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              ls32
                 / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              h16
                 / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"
    h16          = 1*4HEXDIG
    ls32         = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address
  63. val ipvFuture: Parser[~[~[~[Elem, String], Elem], List[Any]]]

    Parses a future IP address as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses a future IP address as defined in RFC 3986.

    IPvFuture = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" )
  64. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  65. implicit def literal(s: String): Parser[String]

    Definition Classes
  66. val localPart: Parser[String]

    Parses the local part of an email address (before the @), with one deviation from RFC 6068: a quoted string is not allowed.

    Parses the local part of an email address (before the @), with one deviation from RFC 6068: a quoted string is not allowed. It is rarely used, not supported by the reStructuredText reference parser and would be hard to combine within text markup as it allows for whitespace and line break characters.

    local-part = dot-atom-text / quoted-string ; quoted-string omitted
  67. def log[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T])(name: String): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  68. def lookBehind[T](offset: Int, parser: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[T]

    Applies the specified parser at the specified offset behind the current position.

    Applies the specified parser at the specified offset behind the current position. Never consumes any input.

    Definition Classes
  69. def mkList[T]: (~[T, List[T]]) ⇒ List[T]

    Definition Classes
  70. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  71. def not[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[Unit]

    Definition Classes
  72. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  73. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  74. def opt[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[Option[T]]

    Definition Classes
  75. def optimizedCharLookup(chars: Char*): (Char) ⇒ Boolean

    Returns an optimized, Array-based lookup function for the specified characters.

    Returns an optimized, Array-based lookup function for the specified characters.

    Definition Classes
  76. def optimizedRangeLookup(ranges: Traversable[Char]*): (Char) ⇒ Boolean

    Returns an optimized, Array-based lookup function for the specified ranges of characters.

    Returns an optimized, Array-based lookup function for the specified ranges of characters.

    Definition Classes
  77. val pChar: Parser[Serializable]

    Parses one path character as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses one path character as defined in RFC 3986.

    pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
  78. def parse[T](p: Parser[T], in: Reader): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  79. def parse[T](p: Parser[T], in: CharSequence): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  80. def parse[T](p: Parser[T], in: Reader[Char]): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  81. def parseAll[T](p: Parser[T], in: CharSequence): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  82. def parseAll[T](p: Parser[T], in: Reader): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  83. def parseAll[T](p: Parser[T], in: Reader[Char]): ParseResult[T]

    Definition Classes
  84. def parseMarkup[T](parser: Parser[T], reader: Reader[Char]): T

    Fully parses the input from the specified reader and returns the result.

    Fully parses the input from the specified reader and returns the result. This function is expected to always succeed, errors would be considered a bug in this library, as the parsers treat all unknown or malformed markup as regular text.

    Definition Classes
  85. def parseMarkup[T](parser: Parser[T], source: String): T

    Fully parses the specified input string and returns the result.

    Fully parses the specified input string and returns the result. This function is expected to always succeed, errors would be considered a bug in this library, as the parsers treat all unknown or malformed markup as regular text.

    Definition Classes
  86. val path: Parser[String]

    Parses the path of a URI as defined in RFC 3986, but only the path variant following an authority component.

    Parses the path of a URI as defined in RFC 3986, but only the path variant following an authority component.

    path-abempty  = *( "/" segment )
    segment       = *pchar
  87. val pctEncoded: Parser[~[Elem, String]]

    Parses a percent-encoded character as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses a percent-encoded character as defined in RFC 3986.

    pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
  88. def phrase[T](p: Parser[T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
    RegexParsers → Parsers
  89. val port: TextParser

    Parses a port as defined in RFC 3986, except for requiring at least one digit; instead the port is defined as optional in a higher level combinator.

    Parses a port as defined in RFC 3986, except for requiring at least one digit; instead the port is defined as optional in a higher level combinator.

    port = *DIGIT
  90. def positioned[T <: Positional](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
    RegexParsers → Parsers
  91. val query: Parser[String]

    Parses the query part of a URI as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses the query part of a URI as defined in RFC 3986.

    query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
  92. val regName: Parser[String]

    Parses a server name as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses a server name as defined in RFC 3986.

    reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims )
  93. implicit def regex(r: Regex): Parser[String]

    Definition Classes
  94. def rep[T](first: ⇒ Parser[T], next: (T) ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]

    A parser generator for repetitions where all subsequent parsers after the first depend on the result of the previous.

    A parser generator for repetitions where all subsequent parsers after the first depend on the result of the previous.


    the parser to use for the first piece of input


    a function that determines the next parser based on the result of the previous

    Definition Classes
  95. def rep[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes
  96. def rep1[T](first: ⇒ Parser[T], p0: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes

    (Changed in version 2.9.0) The p0 call-by-name arguments is evaluated at most once per constructed Parser object, instead of on every need that arises during parsing.

  97. def rep1[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes
  98. def rep1sep[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T], q: ⇒ Parser[Any]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes
  99. def repMax[T](num: Int, p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]

    Uses the parser for at most the specified number of repetitions, always succeeds.

    Uses the parser for at most the specified number of repetitions, always succeeds. The result is the list of results from applying the parser repeatedly.

    Definition Classes
  100. def repMin[T](num: Int, p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]

    Uses the parser for at least the specified number of repetitions or otherwise fails.

    Uses the parser for at least the specified number of repetitions or otherwise fails. Continues to apply the parser after the minimum has been reached until if fails. The result is the list of results from applying the parser repeatedly.

    Definition Classes
  101. def repN[T](num: Int, p: ⇒ Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes
  102. def repsep[T](p: ⇒ Parser[T], q: ⇒ Parser[Any]): Parser[List[T]]

    Definition Classes
  103. def skipWhitespace: Boolean

    Definition Classes
    MarkupParsers → RegexParsers
  104. val subDelims: TextParser

    Parses a single sub-delimiter as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses a single sub-delimiter as defined in RFC 3986.

    sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
    / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
  105. def success[T](v: T): Parser[T]

    Definition Classes
  106. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  107. val to: Parser[String]

    Parses a sequence of email addresses as defined in RFC 6068.

    Parses a sequence of email addresses as defined in RFC 6068.

    to = addr-spec *("," addr-spec )
  108. implicit def toParserOps[A](parser: Parser[A]): ParserOps[A]

    Definition Classes
  109. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  110. val unreserved: Parser[String]

    Parses a single unreserved character as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses a single unreserved character as defined in RFC 3986.

    sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
    / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
  111. val userInfo: Parser[String]

    Parses the user info portion of a URI as defined in RFC 3986.

    Parses the user info portion of a URI as defined in RFC 3986.

    userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
  112. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  113. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  114. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  115. val whiteSpace: Regex

    Definition Classes
  116. def ws: TextParser

    Parses horizontal whitespace (space and tab).

    Parses horizontal whitespace (space and tab). Always succeeds, consuming all whitespace found.

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def lastNoSuccess: NoSuccess

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.10.0) lastNoSuccess was not thread-safe and will be removed in 2.11.0

  2. def lastNoSuccess_=(x: NoSuccess): Unit

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.10.0) lastNoSuccess was not thread-safe and will be removed in 2.11.0

Inherited from MarkupParsers

Inherited from BaseParsers

Inherited from RegexParsers

Inherited from Parsers

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
