


package strategies

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Type Members

  1. case class CrossTowerContext(strategy: DistributionStrategy) extends DistributionContext with Product with Serializable


    Represents a cross-tower context (as opposed to an in-tower context).

    Represents a cross-tower context (as opposed to an in-tower context).

    This context typically becomes available during a distributionStrategy.scope call. That call also sets up a new variable scope that changes variable creation calls (e.g., to make mirrored variables). This is intended as an outer scope that users enter once, around their model creation and graph definition.


    Distribution strategy.

  2. class DefaultStrategy extends DistributionStrategy


  3. sealed trait DistributionContext extends AnyRef


    Represents a distribution context (e.g., in-tower or cross-tower).

    Represents a distribution context (e.g., in-tower or cross-tower).

    Distribution contexts are used to constrain what actions are allowed at every point in the code, and enforce those constraints at compile time, using implicits. More specifically, the current distribution context is always available implicitly and can be checked (e.g., some method require an implicit cross-tower context and will not be able to compile if there current context is an in-tower context).

    For example, for the following execution steps:

    1. Start in the default (single-tower) tower context (i.e., implicit in-tower context is available). 2. Switch to a cross-tower context, when entering a distribution strategy scope (this will make available a cross-tower context implicit, for the all code within that scope). 3. Switch to a (non-default) tower context inside forEachTower(fn, ...) (i.e., the code in fn will have an in-tower implicit context available). 4. If fn calls currentTowerContext->mergeCall(mergeFn, ...), then inside mergeFn, a cross-tower context will again be implicitly available.

    Note that you can also go directly from step 1 to 4 to switch to a cross-tower context for the default distribution strategy. You may also switch from the cross-tower context of 4 to an in-tower context by calling forEachTower(), jumping back to step 3.

    Most distribution API methods may only be executed in cross-tower contexts.

  4. abstract class DistributionStrategy extends AnyRef


    Represents a list of devices with a state and a compute distribution policy.

    Represents a list of devices with a state and a compute distribution policy.

    The intent is that you can write an algorithm in a stylized way and it will be usable with a variety of different DistributionStrategy implementations. Each descendant will implement a different strategy for distributing the algorithm across multiple devices/machines. Furthermore, these changes can be hidden inside the specific layers and other library classes that need special treatment to run in a distributed setting, so that most users' model definition code can run unchanged.

    First let's introduce a few high-level concepts:

    • Data parallelism is where we run multiple copies of the model on different slices of the input data. This is in contrast to model parallelism where we divide up a single copy of a model across multiple devices. Note that we only support data parallelism at this time, but plan to add support for model parallelism in the future.
    • A tower is one copy of the model, running on one slice of the input data.
    • Synchronous, or more commonly sync, training is when the updates from each tower are aggregated together before updating the model variables. This is in contrast to asynchronous, or async training where each tower updates the model variables independently.
    • Furthermore you might run your computation on multiple devices on one machine (or "host"), or on multiple machines/hosts. If you are running on multiple machines, you might have a single master host that drives computation across all of them, or you might have multiple clients driving the computation asynchronously.

    To distribute an algorithm, we might use some of these ingredients:

    • Parameter servers: These are hosts that hold a single copy of parameters/variables. All towers that want to operate on a variable retrieve it at the beginning of a step and send an update to be applied at the end of the step. Can support either sync or async training.
    • Mirrored variables: These are variables that are copied to multiple devices, where we keep the copies in sync by applying the same updates to every copy. Normally would only be used with sync training.
    • Reductions: A reduction is a method of aggregating multiple values into one value, like "sum" or "mean". If doing sync training, we will perform a reduction on the gradients to a parameter from each tower before applying the update. Allreduce is an algorithm for performing a reduction on values from multiple devices and making the result available on all of those devices.
    • In the future we will have support for TensorFlows' partitioned variables, where a single variable is split across multiple devices.

    We have a few approaches we want to support:

    • Code written (as if) with no knowledge of class DistributionStrategy. This code should work as before, even if some of the layers, etc., used by that code are written to be distribution-aware. This is done by having a default DistributionStrategy that gives ordinary behavior, and by default being in a single tower context.
    • Ordinary model code that you want to run using a specific DistributionStrategy. This can be as simple as:
    d.scope {
      val iterator = d.distributeDataset(dataset)
      val towerTrainOps = d.forEachTower(towerFn,
      val trainOp =

    This takes an ordinary dataset and towerFn and runs it distributed using a particular DistributionStrategy in d. Any variables created in towerFn are created using d's policy, and library functions called by towerFn can use the currentTowerContext API to get enhanced behavior in this case. Note that in the future we will add support for initializable dataset iterators, at which point this example code will change.

    • If you want to write a distributed algorithm, you may use any of the DistributionStrategy APIs inside a d.scope block of code.

    Lower-level concepts:

    • Wrapped values: In order to represent values parallel across devices (either towers or the devices associated with a particular value), we wrap them in a PerDevice or Mirrored object that contains a map from device to values. PerDevice is used when the value may be different across devices, and Mirrored is used when the value is the same across devices.
    • Unwrapping and merging: Consider calling a function fn on multiple devices, like forEachTower(fn, w) with an argument w that is a wrapped value. This means that w will have a map taking tower device d0 to w0, tower device d1 to w1, etc. forEachTower() unwraps w before calling fn, and so it calls fn(w0) on d0, fn(w1) on d1, etc. It then merges the return values from fn(), which can possibly result in wrapped values. For example, let's say fn() returns a tuple with three components: (x, a, v0) from tower 0, (x, b, v1) from tower 1, etc. If the first component is the same object x for every tower, then the first component of the merged result will also be x. If the second component is different (a, b, ...) for each tower, then the merged value will have a wrapped map from tower device to the different values. If the third component is the members of a mirrored variable (v maps d0 to v0, d1 to v1, etc.), then the merged result will be that mirrored variable (i.e., v).
    • Tower context vs. cross-tower context: Tower context is when we are in some function that is being called once for each tower. Otherwise, we are in a cross-tower context, which is useful for calling DistributionStrategy methods which operate across towers (like reduce()). By default you start in a tower context (the default "single tower context") and then some methods can switch you back and forth, as described below.
    • Worker devices vs. parameter devices: Most tower computations will happen on worker devices. Since we do not yet support model parallelism, there will be one worker device per tower. When using parameter servers (see above), the set of devices holding variables may be different, otherwise the parameter devices might match the worker devices.
    • Non-slot devices are some subset of the parameter devices where we put all the non-slot variables. We need to ensure that all non-slot variables are allocated on the same device, or mirrored across the same set of devices. If you have some variable that you want to colocate all the non-slot variables with, you can use colocateVariablesWith() to get the remaining non-slot variables on the same device. Otherwise, you can use nonSlotDevices() to pick a consistent set of devices to pass to both colocateVariablesWith() and updateNonSlot().

    When using a DistributionStrategy, we have a new type dimension called locality that says what values are compatible with which APIs:

    • T: Different value for each tower (e.g., a PerDevice-wrapped value).
    • M: Value is "mirrored" across towers. That is, there are copies with the same value on each tower (e.g., a Mirrored-wrapped value).
    • V(v): Value is "mirrored" across all the devices which have a copy of variable v (also a Mirrored-wrapped value, but over parameter devices instead of worker devices).
    • N: Value is "mirrored" across all the "non-slot" devices.

    Rules for methods with respect to locality and single-tower vs. cross-tower context:

    • d.scope(): Default single-tower context -> cross-tower context for d.
    • d.colocateVariablesWith(v): In tower/cross-tower context, variables will be created with locality V(v). That is, if we write d.colocateVariablesWith(v1) { val v2 = tf.variable(...) }, then v2 will have locality V(v1) (i.e., locality V(v2) will equal V(v1)).
    • d.colocateVariablesWith(d.nonSlotDevices(...)): In tower/cross-tower context, variables will be created with locality N.
    • v = tf.variable(...): In tower/cross-tower context, creates a variable (which by definition will have locality V(v), though will match another locality if inside a colocateVariablesWith() scope).
    • d.distributeDataset(dataset): In cross-tower context, produces an iterator with locality T.
    • d.broadcast(t): In cross-tower context, produces a value with locality M.
    • d.broadcast(t, v): In cross-tower context, produces a value with locality V(v).
    • d.forEachTower(fn, ...): In cross-tower context, runs fn() in a tower context (and so may call currentTowerContext and use its API, including mergeCall() to get back to cross-tower context), once for each tower. May use values with locality T or M, and any variable.
    • d.reduce(m, t): In cross-tower context, accepts t with locality T and produces a value with locality M.
    • d.reduce(m, t, v): In cross-tower context, accepts t with locality T and produces a value with locality V(v).
    • d.batchReduce(m, Seq((t, v))): See d.reduce().
    • d.update(v, fn, ...): In cross-tower context, runs fn() once for each device v is copied to. All inputs should have locality V(v), and the output will have locality V(v) as well.
    • d.updateNonSlot(d.nonSlotDevices(), fn): In cross-tower context, like d.update() except with locality N.
    • d.fetch(t): Copy t with any locality to the client's CPU device.

    The standard pattern for updating variables is to:

    1. Wrap your input dataset in d.distributeDataset(). 2. Define each tower d.forEachTower() up to the point of getting a list of gradient, variable pairs. 3. Call d.reduce("sum", t, v) or d.batchReduce() to sum the gradients (with locality T) into values with locality V(v). 4. Call d.update(v) for each variable to update its value.

    Steps 3 and 4 are done automatically by the Optimizer class if you call its applyGradients method from within a tower context. Otherwise, you can manually call its distributedApply method in a cross-tower context.

    Another thing you might want to do in the middle of your tower function is an all-reduce of some intermediate value, using d.reduce() or d.batchReduce() without supplying a variable as the destination.

    Layers should expect to be called in a tower context, and can use the currentTowerContext function to get a TowerContext object. The TowerContext object has a mergeCall() method for entering cross-tower context where you can use reduce() (or batchReduce()) and then optionally update() to update state.

    You may use this API whether or not a DistributionStrategy is being used, since there is a default implementation of TowerContext and DistributionStrategy. Or you can use the currentTowerContext.isSingleTower property to run different code in the distributed vs. single tower cases.

  5. case class InTowerContext(strategy: DistributionStrategy, towerID: Int) extends DistributionContext with Product with Serializable


    Represents an in-tower context (as opposed to a cross-tower context).

    Represents an in-tower context (as opposed to a cross-tower context).

    This context is only present during a forEachTower() call (except during a mergeRun() call), and in such a scope it will be implicitly available.


    Distribution strategy.


    ID of the tower that is being defined, which is a number in [0, numTowers - 1].

  6. class MirroredStrategy extends DistributionStrategy

