Interface DebugEventOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DebugEvent, DebugEvent.Builder

    public interface DebugEventOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getWallTime

        double getWallTime()
         Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision).
        double wall_time = 1;
        The wallTime.
      • getStep

        long getStep()
         Step of training (if available).
        int64 step = 2;
        The step.
      • hasDebugMetadata

        boolean hasDebugMetadata()
         Metadata related to this debugging data.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
        Whether the debugMetadata field is set.
      • getDebugMetadata

        DebugMetadata getDebugMetadata()
         Metadata related to this debugging data.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
        The debugMetadata.
      • getDebugMetadataOrBuilder

        DebugMetadataOrBuilder getDebugMetadataOrBuilder()
         Metadata related to this debugging data.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
      • hasSourceFile

        boolean hasSourceFile()
         The content of a source file.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.SourceFile source_file = 4;
        Whether the sourceFile field is set.
      • getSourceFile

        SourceFile getSourceFile()
         The content of a source file.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.SourceFile source_file = 4;
        The sourceFile.
      • getSourceFileOrBuilder

        SourceFileOrBuilder getSourceFileOrBuilder()
         The content of a source file.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.SourceFile source_file = 4;
      • hasStackFrameWithId

        boolean hasStackFrameWithId()
         A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and
         code string) with ID.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
        Whether the stackFrameWithId field is set.
      • getStackFrameWithId

        StackFrameWithId getStackFrameWithId()
         A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and
         code string) with ID.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
        The stackFrameWithId.
      • getStackFrameWithIdOrBuilder

        StackFrameWithIdOrBuilder getStackFrameWithIdOrBuilder()
         A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and
         code string) with ID.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
      • hasGraphOpCreation

        boolean hasGraphOpCreation()
         The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from
         a Python function).
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
        Whether the graphOpCreation field is set.
      • getGraphOpCreation

        GraphOpCreation getGraphOpCreation()
         The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from
         a Python function).
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
        The graphOpCreation.
      • getGraphOpCreationOrBuilder

        GraphOpCreationOrBuilder getGraphOpCreationOrBuilder()
         The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from
         a Python function).
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
      • hasDebuggedGraph

        boolean hasDebuggedGraph()
         Information about a debugged graph.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
        Whether the debuggedGraph field is set.
      • getDebuggedGraph

        DebuggedGraph getDebuggedGraph()
         Information about a debugged graph.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
        The debuggedGraph.
      • getDebuggedGraphOrBuilder

        DebuggedGraphOrBuilder getDebuggedGraphOrBuilder()
         Information about a debugged graph.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
      • hasExecution

        boolean hasExecution()
         Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.Execution execution = 9;
        Whether the execution field is set.
      • getExecution

        Execution getExecution()
         Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.Execution execution = 9;
        The execution.
      • getExecutionOrBuilder

        ExecutionOrBuilder getExecutionOrBuilder()
         Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.Execution execution = 9;
      • hasGraphExecutionTrace

        boolean hasGraphExecutionTrace()
         A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate
         tensors computed during the graph execution.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
        Whether the graphExecutionTrace field is set.
      • getGraphExecutionTrace

        GraphExecutionTrace getGraphExecutionTrace()
         A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate
         tensors computed during the graph execution.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
        The graphExecutionTrace.
      • getGraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder

        GraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder getGraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder()
         A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate
         tensors computed during the graph execution.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
      • getGraphId

        java.lang.String getGraphId()
         The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only
         to the execution of a FuncGraph.
        string graph_id = 11;
        The graphId.
      • getGraphIdBytes getGraphIdBytes()
         The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only
         to the execution of a FuncGraph.
        string graph_id = 11;
        The bytes for graphId.
      • hasDebuggedDevice

        boolean hasDebuggedDevice()
         A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
        Whether the debuggedDevice field is set.
      • getDebuggedDevice

        DebuggedDevice getDebuggedDevice()
         A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
        The debuggedDevice.
      • getDebuggedDeviceOrBuilder

        DebuggedDeviceOrBuilder getDebuggedDeviceOrBuilder()
         A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
        .org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;