

package module

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Cache[T] extends AnyRef

    Delegate class used for caching data.

  2. case class CacheKey(muid: UUID, target: Target) extends Product with Serializable

    Cache entry.

  3. abstract class FormulaComponent[SR <: SensorReport] extends APIComponent

    Base trait for each PowerAPI formula.

    Base trait for each PowerAPI formula. Each of them should react to a SensorReport, compute the power and then publish a PowerReport.

  4. abstract class SensorComponent extends APIComponent

    Base trait for each PowerAPI sensor.

    Base trait for each PowerAPI sensor. Each of them should react to a MonitorTick, sense informations and then publish a SensorReport.

Value Members

  1. object PowerChannel extends Channel

    PowerChannel channel and messages.

  2. object SensorChannel extends Channel

    Base channel for the Sensor components.

  3. package cpu

  4. package extPMeter

  5. package libpfm

    Implicit conversions.

  6. package rapl
