

package reporter

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Chart extends AnyRef

    Display result received from the CpuDiskListener Component to a wrapped JFreeChart chart.

  2. class ConsoleDisplay extends PowerDisplay

    Display power information into the console.

  3. case class Data(host: String, targets: String, energy: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class Event(type: String, time: String, data: Data) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class FileDisplay extends PowerDisplay

    Display power information into a given file.

  6. class FuseReporter extends FuseReporterConfiguration with APIComponent

    Display power information into a virtual file system using FUSE tool.

  7. class FuseReporterConfiguration extends Configuration

    Main Configuration

  8. class JFreeChartDisplay extends PowerDisplay

    Display power information into a JFreeChart graph.

    Display power information into a JFreeChart graph.

    See also

  9. class PowerAPIFuse extends FuseFilesystemAdapterFull with Runnable

  10. class ReporterComponent extends APIComponent

    Base class for reporters which are part of the API.

  11. class RestActor extends RestReporterConfiguration with Actor with ActorLogging with RestService

    REST Service actor

  12. class RestReporter extends RestReporterConfiguration with APIComponent

    Display power information via a REST interface

  13. class RestReporterConfiguration extends Configuration

    Main Configuration

  14. trait RestService extends HttpService

  15. case class StartProcessMonitoring(frequency: FiniteDuration, targets: Set[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  16. case class StopProcessMonitoring(targets: Set[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  17. case class TargetList(list: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Chart

    Chart companion object containing the JFreeChart's ApplicationFrame and some configurations.

  2. object GetEnergyInfo

    Dedicated type of message to get each monitored processes with it corresponding energy consumption.

  3. object GetTargetList

    Dedicated type of message to get each monitored processes.

  4. object RestServiceJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol

  5. object StopFuse
