

package hierarchy

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AbstractMutableContainer[E] extends Container[E]

  2. trait ChildLike[P] extends AnyRef

    ChildLike defines the high-level concept of an instance that has an associated parent.

  3. trait Container[E] extends ParentLike[E] with Listenable

    Container maintains a collection of children T.

  4. class ContainerView[T] extends Iterable[T] with Listenable

    ContainerView represents a flat view of the hierarchical elements of a container.

  5. class DirectorySynchronizer extends Listenable

  6. class DirectoryWatcher extends Listenable

    DirectoryWatcher watches the supplied path and fires FileChangeEvents when a file is created, modified, or deleted.

  7. trait Element[P] extends MutableChildLike[P] with Listenable

  8. sealed class FileChange extends EnumEntry

  9. class ImmutableContainer[T] extends Container[T]

    ImmutableContainer defines a simple collection wrapper for a pre-defined list of children.

  10. trait MutableChildLike[P] extends ChildLike[P]

  11. trait MutableContainer[T] extends AbstractMutableContainer[T]

    MutableContainer as the name suggests is a mutable implementation of Container.

  12. trait ParentLike[C] extends AnyRef

    ParentLike defines the high-level concept of an instance that has associated children.

  13. class StaticContainer[T] extends AbstractMutableContainer[T] with MutableContainer[T] with ExtendedDelayedInit

    StaticContainer expects all children to be defined within the class itself and uses Reflection to add the children to the container.

Value Members

  1. object ChildLike

  2. object DirectorySynchronizer

  3. object FileChange extends Enumerated[FileChange]

  4. object MutableChildLike

  5. object ParentLike

  6. package event
