Package org.primefaces.selenium.component

package org.primefaces.selenium.component
  • Class
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:accordionPanel.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:autoComplete.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:blockUI.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:button.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:calendar.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:cascadeSelect.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:chips.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:colorPicker.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:commandButton.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:commandLink.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:confirmDialog.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:confirmPopup.
    since 10.0 and removal possible anytime after that
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:dataTable.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:dataView.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:datePicker.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:dialog.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:fileUpload.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:inputMask.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:inputNumber.
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    since 10.0 and removal possible anytime after that
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:inputText.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:inputTextarea.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:menubar.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:message.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:messages.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:outputLabel.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:overlayPanel.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:panel.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:password.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:pickList.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:radioButton.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:rating.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:schedule.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:selectBooleanButton.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:selectBooleanCheckbox.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces selectCheckboxMenu .
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:selectManyCheckbox.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:selectOneMenu.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:selectOneButton.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:selectOneMenu.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:selectOneRadio.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:sidebar.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:slider.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:spinner.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:splitButton.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:staticMessage.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:tabView.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:textEditor.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:timeline.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:toggleSwitch.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:tree.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:treeTable.
    Component wrapper for the PrimeFaces p:triStateCheckbox.