Interface ColumnAware

    • Method Detail

      • forEachColumn

        default void forEachColumn​(boolean unwrapDynamicColumns,
                                   boolean skipUnrendered,
                                   boolean skipColumnGroups,
                                   Predicate<UIColumn> callback)
      • forEachColumn

        default boolean forEachColumn​(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                                      javax.faces.component.UIComponent root,
                                      boolean unwrapDynamicColumns,
                                      boolean skipUnrendered,
                                      boolean skipColumnGroups,
                                      Predicate<UIColumn> callback)
        NOTE: this is for internal usage only!
        context - the FacesContext
        root - the UIComponent where the search starts from
        unwrapDynamicColumns - if the callback should be called for each item of p:columns with DynamicColumn, or just once with Columns
        skipUnrendered - If unrendered components should be skipped
        skipColumnGroups - If ColumnGroup components should be skipped
        callback - The callback, which will be invoked for each column. If it returns false, the algorithm will be cancelled
        false when the algorithm was cancelled
      • invokeOnColumn

        default void invokeOnColumn​(String columnKey,
                                    int rowIndex,
                                    Consumer<UIColumn> callback)
      • getFrozenColumnsCount

        default int getFrozenColumnsCount()
      • getColumnsCount

        default int getColumnsCount()
      • getColumnsCount

        default int getColumnsCount​(boolean visibleOnly)
      • getColumnsCountWithSpan

        default int getColumnsCountWithSpan()
      • getColumnsCountWithSpan

        default int getColumnsCountWithSpan​(boolean visibleOnly)
      • resetDynamicColumns

        default void resetDynamicColumns()
      • getOrderedColumnKeys

        default String getOrderedColumnKeys()