Class CalendarUtils


public class CalendarUtils extends Object
  • Method Details

    • getValueAsString

      public static final String getValueAsString(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar calendar)
    • getObjectAsLocalDate

      public static LocalDate getObjectAsLocalDate(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar calendar, Object value)
      Try to convert the given value to LocalDate or return null if there is no appropriate converter for doing so.
      context - the faces context
      calendar - the calendar component
      value - the value to convert
      the LocalDate object or null
    • getObjectAsLocalTime

      public static LocalTime getObjectAsLocalTime(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar calendar, Object value)
      Try to convert the given value to LocalTime or return null if there is no appropriate converter for doing so.
      context - the faces context
      calendar - the calendar component
      value - the value to convert
      the LocalTime object or null
    • getObjectAsInstant

      public static Instant getObjectAsInstant(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar calendar, Object value, String attributeName)
      Try to convert the given value to an Instant or return null if there is no appropriate converter for doing so. The type of the value must be one of LocalDateTime, LocalDate, LocalTime, Date (deprecated), or a parsable date or time String. For any other this method throws a FacesException.
      context - the faces context
      calendar - the calendar component
      value - the value to convert
      attributeName - the attribute name of the value (e.g. mindate, or maxdate)
      the Instant object or null
      javax.faces.FacesException - if value type is not supported
    • getValueAsString

      public static final String getValueAsString(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar calendar, Object value)
    • getValueAsString

      public static final String getValueAsString(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar calendar, Object value, boolean ignoreConverter)
    • getTimeOnlyValueAsString

      public static final String getTimeOnlyValueAsString(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar calendar)
    • getValueAsString

      public static final String getValueAsString(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar calendar, Object value, String pattern)
    • getValueAsString

      public static final String getValueAsString(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar calendar, Object value, String pattern, boolean ignoreConverter)
    • getValue

      public static final String getValue(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar calendar, Object value, String pattern)
    • getValue

      public static final String getValue(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar calendar, Object value, String pattern, boolean ignoreConverter)
    • convertPattern

      public static final String convertPattern(String pattern)
      Converts a java date pattern to a jquery UI date picker pattern.
      pattern - Pattern to be converted
      converted pattern
    • encodeListValue

      public static void encodeListValue(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, UICalendar uicalendar, String optionName, List<?> values, String pattern) throws IOException
      Write the value of Calendar options
      context -
      uicalendar - component
      optionName - the name of an option
      values - the List values of an option
      pattern - the pattern for formatting
      IOException - if writer is null
    • calculateZoneId

      public static ZoneId calculateZoneId(Object usertimeZone)
    • calculateZoneId

      public static ZoneId calculateZoneId(Object usertimeZone, ZoneId defaultZoneId)
    • calculateTimeZone

      public static TimeZone calculateTimeZone(Object usertimeZone)
    • calculateTimeZone

      public static TimeZone calculateTimeZone(Object usertimeZone, TimeZone defaultTimeZone)
    • calculateZoneOffset

      public static ZoneOffset calculateZoneOffset(Object usertimeZone)
    • calculateZoneOffset

      public static ZoneOffset calculateZoneOffset(Object usertimeZone, ZoneId defaultZoneId)
    • convertDate2LocalDate

      public static LocalDate convertDate2LocalDate(Date date, ZoneId zoneId)
    • convertDate2LocalDate

      public static LocalDate convertDate2LocalDate(Date date)
    • convertDate2LocalDateTime

      public static LocalDateTime convertDate2LocalDateTime(Date date)
    • convertDate2LocalDateTime

      public static LocalDateTime convertDate2LocalDateTime(Date date, ZoneId zoneId)
    • convertDate2LocalTime

      public static LocalTime convertDate2LocalTime(Date date)
    • convertDate2LocalTime

      public static LocalTime convertDate2LocalTime(Date date, ZoneId zoneId)
    • convertLocalDate2Date

      public static Date convertLocalDate2Date(LocalDate localDate, ZoneId zoneId)
    • convertLocalDateTime2Date

      public static Date convertLocalDateTime2Date(LocalDateTime localDateTime)
    • convertLocalDateTime2Date

      public static Date convertLocalDateTime2Date(LocalDateTime localDateTime, ZoneId zoneId)
    • convertLocalTime2Date

      public static Date convertLocalTime2Date(LocalTime localTime)
    • convertLocalTime2Date

      public static Date convertLocalTime2Date(LocalTime localTime, ZoneId zoneId)
    • removeTime

      public static final String removeTime(String pattern)
    • hasTime

      public static final boolean hasTime(String pattern)
    • toLocalDateTime

      public static LocalDateTime toLocalDateTime(ZoneId zoneId, String isoDateString)
      zoneId - Target-ZoneId of the LocalDateTime, the isoDateString is converted into.
      isoDateString -
    • now

      public static Temporal now(UICalendar uicalendar)
      Calculates NOW based on the calendar's current timezone or will default to system timezone if none set. It will return a LocalDateTime if time units needed else just a LocalDate if no time is needed.
      uicalendar - the base calendar to calculate NOW for
      a Temporal representing either a Date or DateTime
    • now

      public static Object now(UICalendar uicalendar, Class<?> dateType)
      Calculates NOW based on the calendar's current timezone or will default to system timezone if none set.
      uicalendar - the base calendar to calculate NOW for
      an Object representing either a Date or Temporal
    • splitRange

      public static List<String> splitRange(String dateRange, String pattern, String separator)