Interface TouchAware

All Known Implementing Classes:
Calendar, CalendarBase, Carousel, CarouselBase, ContextMenu, ContextMenuBase, DataGrid, DataGridBase, DataList, DataListBase, DataTable, DataTableBase, DataView, DataViewBase, DatePicker, DatePickerBase, SelectOneMenu, SelectOneMenuBase, Slider, SliderBase, TabView, TabViewBase, UICalendar, UIPageableData

public interface TouchAware
Even though touch support is detected in the browser a developer may wish to turn it off globally or per component that supports touch.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Is this component touch enabled?
    setTouchable(Boolean touchable)
    Enable/disable touch support for this component.
  • Method Details

    • isTouchable

      Boolean isTouchable()
      Is this component touch enabled?
      false to disable
    • setTouchable

      void setTouchable(Boolean touchable)
      Enable/disable touch support for this component.
      touchable - true for touch support