Annotation Type Delegate

public @interface Delegate
Put on any field to make lombok generate delegate methods that forward the call to this field. Example:
     private @Delegate List<String> foo;
will generate for example an boolean add(String) method, which contains: return foo.add(arg);, as well as all other methods in List. All public instance methods of the field's type, as well as all public instance methods of all the field's type's superfields are delegated, except for all methods that exist in Object, the canEqual(Object) method, and any methods that appear in types that are listed in the excludes property.

Complete documentation is found at the project lombok features page for @Delegate.

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements 
    Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
    java.lang.Class<?>[] excludes
    Each method in any of the types listed here (include supertypes) will not be delegated.
    java.lang.Class<?>[] types
    Normally the type of the field is used as delegate type.
  • Element Details

    • types

      java.lang.Class<?>[] types
      Normally the type of the field is used as delegate type. However, to choose a different type to delegate, you can list one (or more) types here. Note that types with type arguments can only be done as a field type. A solution for this is to create a private inner interface/class with the appropriate types extended, and possibly with all methods you'd like to delegate listed, and then supply that class here. The field does not actually have to implement the type you're delegating; the type listed here is used only to determine which delegate methods to generate. NB: All methods in Object, as well as canEqual(Object other) will never be delegated.
      For each method (not already in java.lang.Object) in these types, generate a delegate method.
    • excludes

      java.lang.Class<?>[] excludes
      Each method in any of the types listed here (include supertypes) will not be delegated. NB: All methods in Object, as well as canEqual(Object other) will never be delegated.
      For each method (not already in java.lang.Object) in these types, skip generating a delegate method (overrides types()).