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G(Object,Object,Object,Object) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport.Spreading
getAllChildren(Number,Object,Object,T) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport.Accumulation
Apply function to the all the children which potential is greater or equale to the potential of the current device.
getAllChildrenIds(Number) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport.Accumulation
Get the ids of all the children with a potential greater or equal the pontential of the current device.
getChildren(Number,Function1,Function1,T) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport.Accumulation
Apply function to the children of the current device.
getChildrenExtended(Number,Function1,Function1,Function1,T) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport.Accumulation
Apply function to the children of the current device.
getChildrenIds(Number) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport.Accumulation
Get the ids of all the children of the current device.
getParent(Number,Function1) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport.Accumulation
Find the parent of the current device following the maximum decrease in potential.
getParentExtended(Number,Function1,Function1,U) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport.Accumulation
Find the parent of the current device following the maximum decrease in potential.
getParentId(Number) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport.Accumulation
Find the ID of the current-device parent by following the maximum decrease in potential.
getParentIds(Number) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport.Accumulation
Find the IDs of the current-device parents by following a potential decrease.
getParents(Number,Function1,Function1,U,Object) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport.Accumulation
Find the parents of the current device following the decrease in potential.
getParentsExtended(Number,Function1,Function1,Function1,U,Object) - function in protelis.coord.accumulationimport.Accumulation
Find the parents of the current device following the decrease in potential.
getUID() - function in protelis.lang.utilsimport.Utils
Gnull(T,T) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport.Spreading
Wrapper for G error.
gossip(T,Function2) - function in protelis.coord.nonselfstabilizing.accumulation.Accumulation
Gossip a value manipulated according to f.
gossipEver(Boolean) - function in protelis.coord.nonselfstabilizing.accumulation.Accumulation
Gossip whether the device has ever experienced a given condition.
gradcast(Boolean,T,Number,Function1) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport.Spreading
gradient(Boolean,T,Function1,Function1) - function in protelis.coord.spreadingimport.Spreading
Spread and extend information with distance from the source region.
Graph - class in protelis.coord.graphimport
greaterEqual(T,T) - function in protelis.lang.utilsimport.Utils
greaterThan(T,T) - function in protelis.lang.utilsimport.Utils
greatestLowerBound(T,<ERROR CLASS>,T) - function in protelis.coord.graphimport.Graph
Get the greatest lower bound for a set of devices.
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