Schema Ops Extensions ----------------------------------------------------------
Adds the given fields to the object located at the path of the given object.
Adds the given fields to the object located at the path of the given object.
the schema to which the attributes should be added
the path within the given schema at which the attributes should be added
the actual attributes to be added
Compares the schema with each other
Compares the schema with each other
the schema to be compared
the schema to be compared against the first one
true, if the schemas are equal, false otherwise
Removes all attributes from the first schema that are also part of the second given schema.
Removes all attributes from the first schema that are also part of the second given schema.
Checks whether the schema is a subset of the given schema.
Checks whether the schema is a subset of the given schema.
the schema that is supposed to be a subset
the schema to check the sub schema against
true, if the sub schema is a subset of the schema
Makes all values referenced by the given list of paths optional.
Makes all values referenced by the given list of paths optional.
Marks all values referenced by the given list of paths as read-only.
Marks all values referenced by the given list of paths as read-only.
the schema that is supposed to contain the attributes that are referenced by the given paths
the updated schema with the referenced attributes being marked as read-only
Merges the attributes of the second schema into the first one.
Merges the attributes of the second schema into the first one.
the target schema
the schema to be merged into the target schema
Returns the path of the given subschema, if it is contained in the schema.
Returns the path of the given subschema, if it is contained in the schema.
the schema that is supposed to contain the sub-schema
the sub-schema that is supposed to be contained in the first schema
the path of sub-schema in the schema, if it is contained, None otherwise
Removes all values that are referenced by the list of paths within the given object.
Removes all values that are referenced by the list of paths within the given object.
the schema from which to remove attributes
the paths to the attributes that are to be removed
Renames the field located at the given path.
Renames the field located at the given path.
Example: Given an schema obj("a" -> obj("b" -> integer))
rename(List("a","b"), "c") will change the object to
obj("a" -> obj("c" -> integer))
Resolves the given path starting from the given resolvable.
Resolves the given path starting from the given resolvable.
Resolves the given path.
Resolves the given path.
Retains all fields of the object at the given path based on the name of the fields.
Retains all fields of the object at the given path based on the name of the fields.
Resolves the given path on the given object, executes the modifier if the path has been resolved and returns the updated object.
Resolves the given path on the given object, executes the modifier if the path has been resolved and returns the updated object.
the expected tyupe when the path is resolved
the object which is supposed to contain an attribute path
the path that is to be followed through the object
the update function
the updated object