Class JobChainingJobListener

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JobChainingJobListener
    extends JobListenerSupport
    Keeps a collection of mappings of which Job to trigger after the completion of a given job. If this listener is notified of a job completing that has a mapping, then it will then attempt to trigger the follow-up job. This achieves "job chaining", or a "poor man's workflow".

    Generally an instance of this listener would be registered as a global job listener, rather than being registered directly to a given job.

    If for some reason there is a failure creating the trigger for the follow-up job (which would generally only be caused by a rare serious failure in the system, or the non-existence of the follow-up job), an error messsage is logged, but no other action is taken. If you need more rigorous handling of the error, consider scheduling the triggering of the flow-up job within your job itself.

    James House (jhouse AT revolition DOT net)
    • Constructor Detail

      • JobChainingJobListener

        public JobChainingJobListener​(java.lang.String name)
        Construct an instance with the given name.
        name - the name of this instance
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Description copied from interface: JobListener

        Get the name of the JobListener.

      • addJobChainLink

        public void addJobChainLink​(JobKey firstJob,
                                    JobKey secondJob)
        Add a chain mapping - when the Job identified by the first key completes the job identified by the second key will be triggered.
        firstJob - a JobKey with the name and group of the first job
        secondJob - a JobKey with the name and group of the follow-up job