Concatenate with another JSON.
Concatenate with another JSON. This is a concatenation monoid: (JValue, ++, JUndefined)
Returns the element as a JValue of the specified class.
Returns the element as an option of a JValue of the specified class.
XPath-like expression to query JSON fields by name.
XPath-like expression to query JSON fields by name. Matches only fields on next level.
XPath-like expression to query JSON fields by name.
XPath-like expression to query JSON fields by name. Returns all matching fields.
Return nth element from JSON Array.
Does a breadth-first traversal of all descendant JValues, beginning with this one.
Return direct child elements.
Return a List of all elements which matches the given predicate.
Return the first element from JSON which matches the given predicate.
Flattens the JValue down to a list of path to simple JValue primitive.
Return a combined value by folding over JSON by applying a function f
for each element.
Return a combined value by folding over JSON by applying a function f
for each element. The initial value is z
Return a combined value by folding over JSON by applying a function f
for each element, passing along the path to the elements.
Return a combined value by folding over JSON by applying a function f
for each element, passing along the path to the elements. The initial
value is z
Return a combined value by folding over JSON by applying a function f
for each element.
Return a combined value by folding over JSON by applying a function f
for each element. The initial value is z
Return a combined value by folding over JSON by applying a function f
for each element, passing along the path to the elements.
Return a combined value by folding over JSON by applying a function f
for each element, passing along the path to the elements. The initial
value is z
Gets the specified value located at the terminal of the specified path.
A safe merge function that ensures that values are not overwritten.
Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given function f
to each element, moving from the top-down.
Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given function f
to each element, moving from the top-down.
Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given function f
to each element and its path, moving from the top-down.
Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given function f
to each element and its path, moving from the top-down.
Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given function f
to each element, moving from the bottom-up.
Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given function f
to each element, moving from the bottom-up.
Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given function f
to each element and its path, moving from the bottom-up.
Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given function f
to each element and its path, moving from the bottom-up.
Remove instances of Nothing from the data structure.
Return a JSON where all elements matching the given predicate are removed.
A shorthand for the other replacement in the case that the replacement does not depend on the value being replaced.
Replaces the matched path values with the result of calling the replacer function on the matches.
Replaces the matched path values with the result of calling the replacer function on the matches. If the path has no values, the method has no effect -- i.e. it is not an error to specify paths which do not exist.
Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given partial function f
to each element in JSON.
Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given partial function f
to each element in JSON.