final case classEquiJoin[T[_[_]], A](src: A, lBranch: FreeQS[T], rBranch: FreeQS[T], lKey: FreeMap[T], rKey: FreeMap[T], f: JoinType, combine: JoinFunc[T]) extends Product with Serializable
This is an optional component of QScript that can be used instead of
ThetaJoin. It’s easier to implement, but more restricted (where ThetaJoin
has an arbitrary predicate to determine if a pair of records should be
combined, EquiJoin has an expression on each side that is compared with
simple equality).
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
This is an optional component of QScript that can be used instead of ThetaJoin. It’s easier to implement, but more restricted (where ThetaJoin has an arbitrary predicate to determine if a pair of records should be combined, EquiJoin has an expression on each side that is compared with simple equality).