


package quasar

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. quasar
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type QuasarErrT[M[_], A] = EitherT[M, QuasarError, A]

Value Members

  1. def addOffsetLimit[T](lp: T, off: Natural, lim: slamdata.Predef.Option[Positive])(implicit T: Aux[T, LogicalPlan]): T
  2. def precompile[T](query: Fix[Sql], vars: Variables, basePath: ADir)(implicit arg0: Equal[T], arg1: RenderTree[T], TR: Aux[T, LogicalPlan], TC: Aux[T, LogicalPlan], S: Show[T]): CompileM[T]

    Compiles a query into raw LogicalPlan, which has not yet been optimized or typechecked.

  3. def preparePlan(lp: Fix[LogicalPlan]): CompileM[Fix[LogicalPlan]]

    Optimizes and typechecks a LogicalPlan returning the improved plan.

  4. def queryPlan(expr: Fix[Sql], vars: Variables, basePath: ADir, off: Natural, lim: slamdata.Predef.Option[Positive]): CompileM[Fix[LogicalPlan]]

    Returns the LogicalPlan for the given SQL^2 query

  5. def resolveImports[S[_]](scopedExpr: ScopedExpr[Fix[Sql]], baseDir: ADir)(implicit mount: Ops[S], fsFail: Ops[FileSystemError, S]): EitherT[[β$0$]Free[S, β$0$], SemanticError, Fix[Sql]]
  6. def resolveImports_[S[_]](scopedExpr: ScopedExpr[Fix[Sql]], baseDir: ADir)(implicit mount: Ops[S]): EitherT[[β$2$]EitherT[[β$1$]Free[S, β$1$], FileSystemError, β$2$], SemanticError, Fix[Sql]]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
