
package mongodb

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. mongodb
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class Bson extends slamdata.Predef.Product with slamdata.Predef.Serializable

    A type-safe ADT for Mongo's native data format.

    A type-safe ADT for Mongo's native data format. Note that this representation is not suitable for efficiently storing large quantities of data.

  2. type BsonCursor = AsyncBatchCursor[BsonValue]
  3. sealed abstract class BsonField extends AnyRef
  4. sealed abstract class BsonType extends AnyRef
  5. sealed abstract class BsonVersion extends AnyRef
  6. final case class Collection(database: DatabaseName, collection: CollectionName) extends Product with Serializable

    Identifies a collection in a specific database.

    Identifies a collection in a specific database. Sometimes referred to as a "namespace" in MongoDB docs.

  7. final case class CollectionName(value: slamdata.Predef.String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  8. final case class CollectionStatistics(count: slamdata.Predef.Long, dataSize: slamdata.Predef.Long, sharded: slamdata.Predef.Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    A subset of the information available from the collStats command.

    A subset of the information available from the collStats command. Many more fields are available, some only in particular MongoDB versions or with particular storage engines.


    The number of documents in the collection.


    The total size "in memory" in bytes of all documents in the collection, not including headers or indexes.

  9. final case class DatabaseName(value: slamdata.Predef.String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  10. final case class Grouped[EX[_]](value: slamdata.Predef.ListMap[Name, AccumOp[Fix[EX]]]) extends Product with Serializable
  11. final case class Here[T[_[_]]]() extends InputFinder[T] with Product with Serializable
  12. final case class Index(name: slamdata.Predef.String, key: NonEmptyList[(BsonField, IndexType)], unique: slamdata.Predef.Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  13. sealed abstract class IndexType extends AnyRef
  14. sealed abstract class InputFinder[T[_[_]]] extends AnyRef
  15. type JavaScriptLog[A] = WriterT[scalaz.Id.Id, JavaScriptPrg, A]
  16. type JavaScriptPrg = Vector[Stmt]
  17. final case class MapReduce(map: Expr, reduce: Expr, selection: slamdata.Predef.Option[Selector] = None, inputSort: slamdata.Predef.Option[NonEmptyList[(BsonField, SortDir)]] = None, limit: slamdata.Predef.Option[slamdata.Predef.Long] = None, finalizer: slamdata.Predef.Option[Expr] = None, scope: Scope = ListMap(), jsMode: slamdata.Predef.Option[slamdata.Predef.Boolean] = None, verbose: slamdata.Predef.Option[slamdata.Predef.Boolean] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration parameters for MapReduce operations

    Configuration parameters for MapReduce operations


    The mapping function


    The reducing function


    Query selector to apply to input documents


    Criteria to use to sort the input documents.


    Limit the number of input documents to map


    JavaScript function applied to the output after the reduce function.


    Global variables made available to the map, reduce and finalizer functions.


    Whether to avoid converting intermediate values to BSON, leaving them as JavaScript objects instead. Setting this to true has implications on the size of the input, see the MongoDB mapReduce documentation for details.


    Whether to include additional information, such as timing, in the results.

  18. final class MongoDbIO[A] extends AnyRef
  19. type MongoErrT[F[_], A] = EitherT[F, PhysicalError, A]
  20. sealed abstract class MongoQueryModel extends AnyRef
  21. sealed abstract class RenameSemantics extends AnyRef
  22. final case class Reshape[EX[_]](value: slamdata.Predef.ListMap[Name, Shape[EX]]) extends Product with Serializable
  23. sealed abstract class Selector extends AnyRef
  24. final case class ServerVersion(major: slamdata.Predef.Int, minor: slamdata.Predef.Int, revision: slamdata.Predef.Option[slamdata.Predef.Int], extra: slamdata.Predef.String) extends Product with Serializable
  25. final case class There[T[_[_]]](index: slamdata.Predef.Int, next: InputFinder[T]) extends InputFinder[T] with Product with Serializable
  26. sealed abstract class WorkflowBuilderF[F[_], +A] extends slamdata.Predef.Product with slamdata.Predef.Serializable
  27. type WorkflowExecErrT[F[_], A] = EitherT[F, WorkflowExecutionError, A]
  28. sealed abstract class WorkflowExecutionError extends AnyRef

    Error conditions possible during Workflow execution.

  29. final case class javascript[R](embed: (JsCoreF[R]) ⇒ R) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. implicit def equiJoinToQScript[T[_[_]]]: Aux[[β$6$]EquiJoin[T, β$6$], [A]Coproduct[[β$5$]QScriptCore[T, β$5$], [A]Coproduct[[β$3$]EquiJoin[T, β$3$], [β$4$]Const[ShiftedRead[Path[Abs, File, Sandboxed]], β$4$], A], A]]
  2. def freshName: State[NameGen, Name]
  3. implicit def qScriptCoreToQScript[T[_[_]]]: Aux[[β$4$]QScriptCore[T, β$4$], [A]Coproduct[[β$5$]QScriptCore[T, β$5$], [A]Coproduct[[β$3$]EquiJoin[T, β$3$], [β$4$]Const[ShiftedRead[Path[Abs, File, Sandboxed]], β$4$], A], A]]
  4. implicit def qScriptToQScriptTotal[T[_[_]]]: Aux[[A]Coproduct[[β$5$]QScriptCore[T, β$5$], [A]Coproduct[[β$3$]EquiJoin[T, β$3$], [β$4$]Const[ShiftedRead[Path[Abs, File, Sandboxed]], β$4$], A], A], [β$0$]Coproduct[[β$0$]QScriptCore[T, β$0$], [β$1$]Coproduct[[β$2$]ProjectBucket[T, β$2$], [β$3$]Coproduct[[β$4$]ThetaJoin[T, β$4$], [β$5$]Coproduct[[β$6$]EquiJoin[T, β$6$], [β$7$]Coproduct[[β$8$]Const[ShiftedRead[Path[Abs, Dir, Sandboxed]], β$8$], [β$9$]Coproduct[[β$10$]Const[ShiftedRead[Path[Abs, File, Sandboxed]], β$10$], [β$11$]Coproduct[[β$12$]Const[Read[Path[Abs, Dir, Sandboxed]], β$12$], [β$13$]Coproduct[[β$14$]Const[Read[Path[Abs, File, Sandboxed]], β$14$], [β$15$]Const[DeadEnd, β$15$], β$13$], β$11$], β$9$], β$7$], β$5$], β$3$], β$1$], β$0$]]
  5. implicit def shiftedReadToQScript[T[_[_]]]: Aux[[β$8$]Const[ShiftedRead[Path[Abs, File, Sandboxed]], β$8$], [A]Coproduct[[β$5$]QScriptCore[T, β$5$], [A]Coproduct[[β$3$]EquiJoin[T, β$3$], [β$4$]Const[ShiftedRead[Path[Abs, File, Sandboxed]], β$4$], A], A]]
  6. def sortDirToBson(sort: SortDir): Bson
  7. object Bson extends Serializable
  8. object BsonCodec
  9. object BsonField
  10. object BsonType
  11. object BsonVersion
  12. object Collection extends Serializable
  13. object CollectionName extends Serializable
  14. object DatabaseName extends Serializable
  15. object Grouped extends Serializable
  16. object IndexType
  17. object MapReduce extends Serializable
  18. object MongoDb extends BackendModule with ManagedReadFile[BsonCursor] with ManagedWriteFile[Collection] with DefaultAnalyzeModule
  19. object MongoDbIO
  20. object MongoDbPlanner
  21. object MongoQueryModel
  22. object RenameSemantics
  23. object Reshape extends Serializable
  24. object Selector
  25. object ServerVersion extends Serializable
  26. object WorkflowBuilder
  27. object WorkflowBuilderF extends Serializable
  28. object WorkflowExecutionError
  29. object WorkflowExecutor
  30. object bsonvalue
  31. object mongoiterable
  32. object sigil

    MongoDB Document keys posessing special meaning.

  33. object util

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
