
package planner

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. planner
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait FuncHandler[IN[_]] extends Serializable
  2. sealed abstract class InputFinder extends AnyRef
  3. final case class JoinHandler[WF[_], F[_]](run: (JoinType, JoinSource[WF], JoinSource[WF]) ⇒ F[WorkflowBuilder[WF]]) extends Product with Serializable
  4. final case class JoinSource[WF[_]](src: Fix[[β$1$]WorkflowBuilderF[WF, β$1$]], keys: slamdata.Predef.List[Expr]) extends Product with Serializable
  5. trait JsFuncHandler[IN[_]] extends AnyRef
  6. type OptionFree[F[_], A] = Option[Free[F, A]]
  7. final case class PlannerConfig[T[_[_]], EX[_], WF[_]](joinHandler: JoinHandler[WF, WBM], funcHandler: ~>[[β$2$]Coproduct[[β$62$]MapFuncCore[T, β$62$], [β$63$]MapFuncDerived[T, β$63$], β$2$], [β$3$]Option[Free[EX, β$3$]]], staticHandler: StaticHandler[T, EX], queryModel: MongoQueryModel, bsonVersion: BsonVersion) extends Product with Serializable
  8. trait StaticHandler[T[_[_]], EX[_]] extends AnyRef

    Translates static QScript structures, which cannot currently be handled by FuncHandler, because they are not basic elements of QScript.

    Translates static QScript structures, which cannot currently be handled by FuncHandler, because they are not basic elements of QScript.

    TODO: once QScript supports multiple arguments for MakeMap and MakeArray, we should be able to remove this.

  9. final case class There(index: slamdata.Predef.Int, next: InputFinder) extends InputFinder with Product with Serializable
  10. type WBM[X] = \/[PlannerError, X]

Value Members

  1. object FuncHandler extends Serializable
  2. object Here extends InputFinder with Product with Serializable
  3. object JoinHandler extends Serializable
  4. object JsFuncHandler
  5. object StaticHandler
  6. object assumeReadType
  7. object common
  8. object elideQuasarSigil

    A QScript transformation that, given a function to retrieve a document from a collection, inserts projections around any ShiftedReads of collections having documents wrapped in the Quasar sigil, eliding them from the query.

  9. object mapBeforeSort

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
