Annotation Type ExpectJdbcQueryExecution

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface ExpectJdbcQueryExecution

    The ExpectJdbcQueryExecution annotation verifies the number of JDBC query executions (executeQuery, executeUpdate, execute, executeLargeUpdate, executeBatch, executeLargeBatch). See datasource-proxy user guide about JDBC query executions.

    Each JDBC execution triggers one or several JDBC roundtrips. For example, if a SELECT statement returns a row number greater than JDBC fetch size, the retrieval of all rows will need several JDBC roundtrips.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      int value
      Specifies a value to cause the test method to fail if the number of JDBC query executions (executeQuery, executeUpdate, execute, executeLargeUpdate, executeBatch, executeLargeBatch) is not equal.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        int value
        Specifies a value to cause the test method to fail if the number of JDBC query executions (executeQuery, executeUpdate, execute, executeLargeUpdate, executeBatch, executeLargeBatch) is not equal. Note that if left empty, the assumed value will be one.